Financial transactions are prohibited - page 8

Sergey Zhilinskiy:
I got a financial lock today too... wait to see what happens next.
Welcome to our ranks.
Evgeny Belyaev:
Welcome to our ranks.
It certainly doesn't make you feel any happier (
Sergey Zhilinskiy:
It certainly doesn't add to the joy of it (
I wonder what kind of joints anyone has had.
Yesterday I withdrew the money in a normal way. Now I'm afraid to apply for a withdrawal. What if I have to withdraw the rest? Should I prepare a photo in front of the monitor with my passport? By the way, I'm going to. On holiday, I know that when I change ipi, I get banned from withdrawing from another country. My question is. Question: Can I try to warn? In what country I will be to avoid being blocked. A holiday is unpredictable. Money flies away fast.
Vladislav Andruschenko:
Yesterday I made a withdrawal, it seemed fine. Now I'm afraid to apply for a withdrawal. What if I have to withdraw the rest in a hurry? Should I prepare a photo in front of the monitor with my passport? By the way, I'm going to. On holiday, I know that when I change ipi, I get banned from withdrawing from another country. My question is. Question: Can I try to warn? In what country I will be to avoid being blocked. A holiday is unpredictable. Money flies away quickly.

Is there no way to withdraw everything in advance?

SZS: have long said that here to store money (not related to the bank at all)) is not worthwhile, because moderators only use common sense, not paying attention to the rules, because they are for users, not for moderators))).

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Is there no way to withdraw everything in advance?

SZS: have long said that here to keep the money (not related to the bank at all) is not worth it, because moderators only use common sense, not paying attention to the rules.

I'm sort of happy with blocking - let them block suspicions of withdrawal by malefactors - we know about the theft of money - it was unpleasant.

I'm kind of happy with blocking - better to be blocked on suspicion of withdrawal by malefactors - we know about money theft. it was unpleasant. But here they block it - and well, I have no complaints about that.

The reasons for blocking have also been numerous, and all logical.

It's another matter when they block for some strange reason - I haven't seen it since, after reading this thread - I started thinking that it would not be a misfortune to get into trouble when I'm 10 000 km away from home when I need money urgently.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

The limit is 7 days after the sale, a circle. one sale was released, then the next, and so on in a circle, the most recent sale - wait 7 days.

I'm sort of happy with blocking - let them block it better on suspicion of withdrawal by malefactors - we know about the theft of money. it was unpleasant. But here they block it - and well, I have no complaints about that.

The reasons for blocking have also been numerous, and all logical.

It's another case when they block my accounts for some unknown reason - i haven't seen anything like that, after reading this topic - i got worried. in order not to get into a misfortune when i'm 10 000 km away from home, when i need money urgently.

NZ is in my pants and no problem ))

or leave a remote open on your home PC or do automatic withdrawal (through a clicker crutch, but you need to train when there is money in the account earned )

it's easier with a remote account

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

NZ is in your pants and no problem ))

but so either leave the remote open on the home PC or do autosom (through a clicker crutch, but need to train when there is money in the account earned )

it's easier with a remote job

remotelylekom like tyamviefer I want, but will have to pay, because the free does not give :-) it seems, and not expensive, but it stings. though the software cool.

EZ is EZ, but all that from above should be spent on vacation.

Vladislav Andruschenko:
I would like to set up a remote control system like Tiamviefer, but I will have to take a paid one, because they don't give free ones anymore :-) It doesn't seem expensive, but it's a bit stinging.

I think it's possible to set up a remote desktop on the Windows.

I think it's possible to set up a remote control like tiamviefer I want, but I'll have to take a paid one, because they don't give free ones any more :-).

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I think it's possible to set up a remote connection

In general, the methaquot would have made the auto-acquisition function a long time ago (but it's also a double-edged sword).

Believe me, it's harder to negotiate with webmasters. It takes at least two months to get a lockdown.

with filing all the paperwork at the notary's office and sending it by registered mail - and then it's a drag for 2 months,

I'd rather have Cash here, on demand.