Financial transactions are prohibited - page 6

Service Desk is silent for 2 days is this normal?
Evgeny Belyaev:
Service Desk is silent for 2 days is this normal?
A little worse than normal, but it has happened before.
Evgeny Belyaev:
Service Desk is silent for 2 days is this normal?

Sorry for the delays, please.

We're dealing with it.


Renat Fatkhullin, when do you plan to solve the problem?

Wasn't the base taken from this site? :(

Renat Fatkhullin:

Someone came and logged in (without even matching it) with a ready-made username and password.

It is good that they noticed it at once. I hope that the work will not take long.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Strange, and why get so broke, the work hasn't been done since last year, the products and signals are gone.

when blocked by finances -- products and signals disappear too.

the composter only strangely has one signal left.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

when blocked by finances -- products and signals disappear too.

the composter only strangely has one signal left.

And all the stats for products and signals disappear from the achievements page?
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
And all the stats disappear from the achievement page?

the signals are gone -- no products.

go to the composter, check his stats - he has products, no signals - and where are his sales, there's only one signal on his beaver's tooth - and no products

Vyacheslav Ivanov:

Isn't the base stolen from this site? :(


Renat Fatkhullin:


I got banned, like for decompiling. Service Desk never responded, I got nothing but replies in the mail. And there was no work on the decompile. Service Desk did not respond by mail, too. Asked a specific question why I was banned, no answer, although it has been a month.
The board seems to have become more like a bookmaker's office. Here I won't give you any money, here I won't withdraw any money, the photo came, ask for more money or a photo with the latest newspaper or whatever they are asking for now. I registered here just to protect myself from different "scams". But if I have such a problem with finances, I'd rather risk a sum for one job than risk a month's pay, for instance. It is better to risk a sum of money for one job than to risk a month's earnings, for example.