The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 19


No, there needs to be an ideological or business basis for unification.

The USSR-1 had such a basis - the triumph of communism and the common sawing off of energy exports.

And now?

"Common history" won't work.

Who is going to unite with whom? I am not going to unite with anyone:)

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Who is going to team up with whom? I'm not teaming up with anyone:)

What do you mean "with no one" ???? AND THE USSR-2? And the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus?????

Stop it!


What do you mean "with nobody" ???? AND THE USSR-2? And the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus?????

Stop it!

Well, how? Because no one wants to.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Well, how? Because no one wants to.

They do! But later.

For now, oil and gas with re-export rights

Dmitry Fedoseev:
There was no music, no films, no books. The radio was jammed. Net might have been there, but not the Inter.
Really? I have 1500 or 2000 books from Soviet times at home, all re-read several times. No movies? Yes, Soviet comedies are still on all the time and they're much kinder compared to the current ones where all the jokes are below the belt. I can rarely watch modern comedies with my 11-year-old son, because the only topic there is where to fuck. Radio was jammed with Western propaganda and now it is being "jammed" by organisations funded from abroad for the same reason.

No, there needs to be an ideological or business basis for unification.

The USSR-1 had such a basis - the triumph of communism and the common sawing off of energy exports.

And now?

"Common history" won't work.

But no one is saying that the new "USSR-2" should have the ideology of communism. Rather, it must be a union of countries that are closely linked with one another (historically or otherwise). Remember how it started? First a European economic union, then a common currency, open borders. Every country has its own head, and there is also a union government. What we have at the moment: the Eurasian Economic Union. It is only a matter of a single currency.

Alexandr Saprykin:
Really? I have 1500 or 2000 books from Soviet times at home, all re-read several times. No movies? Yes, Soviet comedies are still on all the time and they're much kinder compared to the current ones where all the jokes are below the belt. I can rarely watch modern comedies with my 11-year-old son, because the only topic there is where to fuck. Radio was jammed with Western propaganda and now it is being "jammed" by organisations funded from abroad for the same reason.

Seriously. Should I list the authors? I can list the authors of your library, too. No objections to music?

Movies... weird, I was watching that new dog movie last night, and your jokes are below the belt.

I'll just say it again - the rumours about the imminent demise of the dollar are greatly exaggerated)
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Seriously. Should I list the authors? I can list the authors of your library, too. No objections to music?

Movies... weird, I was watching the new dog movie last night, and your jokes are below the belt.

You're gonna get tired of listing all the authors. You think I only have what I learned in school? But if you have absolutely nothing better to do, you can list a few hundred authors. With music - what have you been missing?
About the dog have seen - I'm glad for you, I didn't write that all films with jokes below the belt, and that their majority now I think you won't deny.
Alexandr Saprykin:
You'll get tired of listing all the authors. You think I only have what I learned at school? But if you have absolutely nothing to do you can list a few hundred authors. With music - what have you been missing?
About the dog have seen - I'm glad for you, I didn't write that all the films with jokes below the belt, but that most of them now I think you won't deny.

All of them why? Enough so that the basic point is clear. The main point is that the authors of the first list would have been completely absent from the second list.

With music. What was there anyway?

Jokes below the belt. Even if, so what? I wonder how long you are going to feed your children with stories about children found in the cabbage?