The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 11

Олег avtomat:
German tribes from the Donetsk steppes - Rodzianski is nervously smoking in the backyard ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:
German tribes from the Donetsk steppes - Rodziansky is nervously smoking in the backyard ))

No, it isn't.

The correct quote is :

came supposedly German tribes from the Donetsk steppes

Alexey Volchanskiy:
How do you explain the fact that from 1 Dec. 2015 gold is up 16% against the dollar and the euro only 6%? And the pound, on the other hand, has fallen? My understanding of macroeconomics is insufficient to understand the reasons.

I saw that hedgers were buying it from mid November to mid January, you can see it in the SOT reports. And the dollar has fallen against the euro, which means it needs more dollars to buy gold. That's why gold in dollars went up more. I also used to think that the pound correlated with the euro, but this is not always the case. It often lives a separate life altogether, there are many areas in history where the pound movements are not consistent with the euro.

Plus the British pound sterling depends on oil and often correlates with it, as Scotland produces oil, while the euro is not so dependent on oil.

In the picture above is the euro, below is the pound.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
German tribes from the Donetsk steppes - Rodziansky is nervously smoking in the backyard ))

)))))))) What's the big deal, let's go back to prehistoric times)))).

It seems to me that the main problem is that some people are drawn to the past, to some mythical unknown what. We have to live here and now.

They cannot make up their minds about 100 years of history, everyone has their own interpretation of events. But, no, we will go the other way, we will remember what was a thousand years or even several thousand years ago.


)))))))) What's the big deal, let's go back to prehistoric times)))).

It seems to me that the main problem is that some people are drawn to the past, to some mythical unknown what. We have to live here and now.

They cannot make up their minds about 100 years of history, everyone has their own interpretation of events. But, no, we will go the other way and remember what happened a thousand years ago or even a few thousand years ago.

Remembering what happened a few thousand years ago is not serious, it's childish... We need to dig up a million years of history! How white monkeys humiliated black monkeys for nothing. Yeah, well, it affects current exchange rates!
Joo Zepper:
Remembering what happened a few thousand years ago isn't serious, it's childish... You've got to dig up a million years of history! How white monkeys humiliated black people for no reason. Yeah, it affects current exchange rates!
And how the Neanderthals ate the Pithecanthropes. We remember, we believe, we don't forgive!
Alexey Volchanskiy:
And how the Neanderthals ate the Pithecanthropes. We remember, we believe, we don't forgive!
Mm-hmm. And where did the Australopithecines go?
Uh-huh. And then there's where the Australopithecines disappeared to.
Apparently, they were even lower down the food chain.
Artem Sidorov:
I've been hearing about the demise of the dollar for more than 10 years... and the longer it goes on the more they scream - and the dollar gets stronger))))
It's the same way tulip bulbs are getting stronger=) It's the same way the quid is going to die, nothing lasts forever.