The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 10

Joo Zepper:

In the long term (during this year), my advice would be:

1. Transfer current dollar deposits to accounts with another base currency - AUD, SGD for example.

2. Do not make trades in pairs containing USD in the name of the instrument, except for super short trades.

You will not lose anything by complying with these two points, but you will secure yourself from unforeseen fluctuations of traded instruments and possible sudden depreciation of your deposit.

I totally agree about moving to other assets.

Who understands, understands.

Joo Zepper:

In the long term (during this year), my advice would be:

1. Transfer current dollar deposits to accounts with another base currency - AUD, SGD for example.

2. Do not make trades in pairs containing USD in the name of the instrument, except for super short trades.

By executing these two points, the trader has nothing to lose, but he/she will be able to protect themselves from unforeseen fluctuations of traded instruments and a possible sudden depreciation of the deposit.

Ah, Yellowstone waiting! For nothing:

"According to American volcanologists, the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano should not be expected before 20 to 40 thousand years from now," says Vladimir Kiryanov. - I correspond with some of them and trust their opinion."

Анатомия "утки" о Йеллоустоунском вулкане
Анатомия "утки" о Йеллоустоунском вулкане
Американский супервулкан Йеллоустоун, видимо, все же не уничтожит США ни через 2 недели, ни через 20 лет, как сообщал ранее телеканал Минобороны РФ "Звезда" со ссылкой на «американского вулканолога Хэнка Хесслера». «Фонтанка.ру» разыскала мистера Хислера (Heasler) в Йеллоустоунском национальном парке и получила признание: никаких страшных...
"As a true geolux, I can only say one thing: Yellowstone is a magnificent, volumetric geo-terrorist covering the entire globe. Particularly depressing is the constant harping on, and here too, about the Yellowstone caldera as some sort of supervolcano.


Characteristically, most American volcanologists have not raised any such global alarm about Yellowstone. The story is being hyped by the media at the behest of some cataclysmists."

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Dad borrowed three rubles from mum, mum from grandma, and grandma from dad, and now they owe nine rubles.

In your scheme, nobody makes any money. The money is taken out at interest. In this case, when the loan is at interest, there is an obligation to service the debt.

You are a demagogue. :)

The dollar is going into debt and living off the future - apparently knowing that in the near future (the same 30 years) the money will no longer be needed.... The main thing is to keep faith in it now, so as not to have a mass rejection, or switch to the euro - what will change, the same egg ... they will agree among themselves, as they agreed to give up gold...
Сергей Криушин:
... They will agree amongst themselves, as they agreed to give up the gold...
They...? Who?
Nobody agreed to give up gold.
It's just that the Amerks got scared of the prospect of wasting all the gold, now that the dollar is secured.
And after Charles De Gaulle's stunt, they shut up shop.
That's the whole story of backing currencies with gold.
Joo Zepper:

In the long term (during this year), my advice would be:

1. Transfer current dollar deposits to accounts with another base currency - AUD, SGD for example.

2. Do not make trades in pairs containing USD in the name of the instrument, except for super short trades.

By complying with these two points, a trader will not lose anything, but he/she will be able to protect themselves from unexpected fluctuations of traded instruments and possible sudden depreciation of the deposit.

And what is so extraordinary that would happen? Directly intrigued, send your wisdom.

Yes, you should at least read books on the history of finance sometimes. You start asking "Nostradamus" questions and they start stumbling at the first question.

The pound sterling was the world's reserve currency from the 19th century to the mid-20th century. And so the US dollar, after being a reserve currency, will deflate in a few decades?

Hint: they need to reduce the balance of payments deficit, they will issue new bonds at a higher rate, but in smaller amounts than before.

And buy back old issues that have fallen in price and make money on it. Hence I assume that the interest rate will go up and the dollar will rise.


Yes, you should at least read books on the history of finance sometimes. You start asking "Nostradamus" questions and they start stumbling at the first question.

The pound sterling has been the world's reserve currency since the 19th century to the mid-20th century. And so the US dollar, after being a reserve currency, will deflate in a few decades?

Hint: they need to reduce the balance of payments deficit, they will issue new bonds at a higher rate, but in smaller amounts than before.

And buy back old issues that have fallen in price and make money on it. Hence I assume that the interest rate will go up and the dollar will rise.

How to explain the fact that from 1st Dec. 2015 gold rose 16% against the dollar and the euro only 6%? And the pound has fallen? My understanding of macroeconomics is insufficient to understand the reasons.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Why are you all so concerned about such things. Nothing new is going to happen. It will be just like after the collapse of ancient Rome. Last time, ostensibly cultured and civilised Roman mankind, in a fit of senility, started getting very cultured and creating their libraries out of the skin of Slavic children... ostensibly German tribes came from the Donetsk steppes and shut this shop down for good. As a result, only ten percent of this cultural civilised community was left, and no international means of exchange at all. But, alas, unfortunately, the founders of this cultural civilised community were not finished. The shop was closed for a thousand years. But these scoundrels erected a new bogeyman under the star of David, called the country of Khazaria, which levied a bloody tribute on all the surrounding peoples. Again came the Don Cossacks under the leadership of Svyatoslav Igorevich and have arranged to this civilized community a throwback for a thousand years, the cultural community scattered across the planet. Here we go again with the old business... The smartest Germans have already started to get out of Germany, realizing what this smells like... Another millennium is over, the Don cottons have appeared again... But this is no longer the subject of this site....