The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 63

They are leaders in overseas grain sales, 2nd in arms sales, and good income from software products.
Yes, only America did not like it and banned the use of 1C in Ukraine.
Lazar Buga:

Yes, this is a period of political calm, and I hope it will last for Russia for a long time to come.
You must be talking about the achievements of the USSR, when scientists from all over the Union worked together. Submarines, tanks, power units, all the achievements of the USSR, but they have been exhausted.

The Russian Federation is now 50 years behind in technologies in every sector.

Although no, I lie, perhaps in aviation it still lags behind, especially in the invention of flying axes.

I could give you plenty of examples that you are wrong, but I will not, it is useless. As you are a political opponent and your goal on this forum is to humiliate Russia. As they say, don't cast aspersions on swine).
khorosh: Don't be a pig's ear.

or stop trolling

I could give plenty of examples that you are wrong, but I won't, it's useless. Because you are a political opponent and your purpose in this forum is to humiliate Russia.
No, my purpose is to dispel myths, lies and misconceptions. Dmitry Fedoseyev made a good point about patriotism.
At a time when you need to look soberly into the eyes of facts, not very cheerful facts, you continue to wear rose-coloured glasses.
But if only you wore those glasses yourself, you try to put them on others through your disconnected from reality publications about a prosperous Russia.
Vitaly Muzichenko:
Yes, only America did not like it and banned the use of 1C in Ukraine.
Are they going to check every company and every entrepreneur whether they use it or not?
Lazar Buga:
No, my aim is to dispel myths, lies and misconceptions. Dmitry Fedoseyev made a good point about patriotism.
At a time when you need to look soberly into the eyes of facts, not very cheerful facts, you continue to wear rose-coloured glasses.
But if only you wore those glasses yourself, you try to put them on others through your disconnected from reality publications about a prosperous Russia.

America became America not in 25 years, but 10 times over. So we still have a long way to go. We need to talk little and do more.

Lazar Buga:
No, my aim is to dispel myths, lies and misconceptions. Dmitry Fedoseyev made a good point about patriotism.
At a time when you need to look the facts soberly in the eye, not very cheerful facts, you continue to wear rose-coloured glasses.
But ok you would wear rose-coloured glasses yourself, but you try to put them on others through your detached from reality publications about a prosperous Russia.
You better dispel the myths in your own country and there have been a lot of them in recent years. You should work for your country and not for someone else's. In Russia we already know what is good and what is bad without you and better than you. Because we live there and see everything with our own eyes.
WNA: Россия лидирует в развитии технологий атомной энергетики будущего
WNA: Россия лидирует в развитии технологий атомной энергетики будущего
МОСКВА, 9 апр — РИА Новости. Россия стала мировым лидером в развитии технологий для атомной энергетики будущего, такой вывод содержится в исследовании экспертов Всемирной ядерной ассоциации (WNA), изучавших современные тенденции в этой области. Атомная отрасль России, отмечающая в нынешнем году 70-летний юбилей, "уверенно продвигается вперед...
Better dispel myths in your own country and there have been a lot of them in recent years. You should work for your country, not for someone else's. And in Russia, we already know what is good and what is bad without you.

Believe me, if I saw a representative of Ukraine praising our technology (which does not exist) or persistently optimistic in convincing everyone that we have an exceptionally bright future ahead of us, I would find something to disagree with him too.

It would be nice to see Russia as a truly prosperous country with an average salary not inferior to that of Germany or the United States.
It would be nice to have more advisers and not be stingy with them.
There would be less competition on the freelance market.
When people would not be interested in writing customized advisers for a penny, and it would be much more profitable to work by profession, in any enterprise and receive a high salary.
That would leave some extra money, which can be pissed in some brokerage company without thinking. And this brokerage house will use the proceeds to buy Metakvots software.
So far I see only the opposite trend.

Everyone will be better off when the money is distributed as evenly as possible among all segments of the population, rather than settling in the hands of a few oligarchs and corrupt officials.


This can be believed when the "leader of nuclear power" in their country abolishes electric meters in the residential sector, but for now this leadership is worth a pittance.

I wish we were somewhere far away from these nuclear power plants.