The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 47

What are you two shouting about? Study crypto, the world's currency will be cryptocurrency

I remember Reshetov shouting on 4 that gold would rise from the ashes.....

Now it's crypto.


Do you even watch these videos yourself?

Reduce the cost of credit for businesses, BUT:

2. but inflation!

3. but apart from the Central Bank the government is responsible!

4. But besides the Central Bank and the government, business is to blame;

5. But the fault lies with commercial banks - there are more than 900 of them, and they do not compete, they do not lend to small companies, they raise interest rates.

From minute 6, the bottom line is that interest rates need to be lowered, but by market, not administrative methods, and that commercial banks' profits need to be cut, so the cost of credit for businesses is lowered.....

Not a word about Nabiulina, not a complaint, and two mentions about the Central Bank without a complaint.

Can you watch these three videos to the end and think a little bit? Who appoints the chairman of the Central Bank and how, the president or the government?

This is already 2013, you can't see the difference in rhetoric, can you?

The conflict seems to have been 2012-2013, I got it mixed up with 2014+, I won't look any further. It's still a godsend for you.


This is not my reasoning - it is Putin's 2016 directive.

The President can manually whittle down a few of these laws, but in the long run it's just Don Quixote of La Mancha fighting windmills. These laws are being crushed into a bunch of smaller ones and dragged through piecemeal in autopilot mode.

The Central Bank, according to the Russian Constitution, does not belong to the Russian State and is not accountable to it. And Trump has demanded diplomatic immunity for all Russian Central Bank officials.

What the hell are you guys fighting about? Study crypto, the world's currency will be cryptocurrency

Targeting is a delicate matter.

Against the background of what you are all generating here both seem very sensible )
Andrew Petras:

Are you capable of watching these three videos to the end and thinking a little bit? Who appoints the chairman of the Central Bank, the president or the government?

This is already 2013, you can't tell the difference in the rhetoric, can you?

There seems to have been a conflict in 2012-2013, I got it mixed up with 2014+, I won't look any further. It's still a godsend for you.

Exactly, I have watched all three videos to the end - it is the commercial banks that are responsible for lowering the cost of credit. In the last video Putin openly says that banks need to lower yields.

As for the Central Bank, all three videos say that its main objective is inflation, and for that purpose it MUST NOT lower the refinancing rate.

It looks like there was no conflict and could not have been.


That is exactly what I have watched all three videos - lowering the cost of credit is blamed on commercial banks. In the last video Putin openly says that banks need to lower yields.

As for the Central Bank, all three videos say that its main task is inflation, and for that purpose it MUST NOT lower the refinancing rate.

It looks like there was no conflict and could not have been.

Who can set the rate below the central bank rate.



A little about debt

10 стран, тонущих в долгах
10 стран, тонущих в долгах
Международное рейтинговое агентство Fitch Ratings предупреждает, что растущее долговое бремя представляет собой серьезную угрозу мировой финансовой стабильности. Более 20% стран, оцениваемых агентством, в 2017 году достигнут максимального соотношения долга к ВВП. Ожидается, что более 75% развитых суверенных рынков, оцененных Fitch, будут иметь...
Nikolay Kositsin:

Vladimir Vladimirovich is only President. The president is a position in colonial occupation territory, with all the functions of the real head of government trimmed from the position. It is a notary who simply approves laws and doesn't ask stupid questions about where these rotten universally recognised laws came from. What matters is the very fact that according to the Russian constitution these universally recognised laws, spelt out by the IMF, are binding. And this president cannot force any official to do anything, because that would be usurpation of power, and the scum of the constitutional court would immediately take him to the tribunal in The Hague, like Milosevic or Hussein.

In this situation there is only one way out - a million protesters in Moscow demanding a referendum to abolish the colonial, occupational articles of the constitution, nationalize the central bank and nationalize the mineral and raw material resource base of the country.

BB is not "just a president", but a president who has so much power that the top officials of all of Europe plus the United States put together do not have. Look at the list of Russian officials that Putin personally appoints: all security officials (FSB, Interior Ministry, Defense Ministry, Emergencies Ministry..., judges of all levels...) A special place among them is occupied by the Rosgvardia, which reports only to Putin.

Add to that the officials whom Putin recommends for election: the prime minister, the chairman of the Central Bank, all the governors, .....

Not enough for you?

What more does Putin need to steer in the direction he wants?

You and Fedorov have a strange idea of power. Let's suppose you have a Bentley and a driver. It would seem that you have all the power: the car is yours and the driver follows instructions. But in reality, as long as the driver has the wheel in his hands, he has all the power, including your life. If you want to live, choose a driver.

So it is with Putin: his power is in the placement of personnel who will steer in the direction he wants. He hasn't always been able to do it, there was too much shit at all levels after the 90s, you have to check and educate, but in 17 years in power he has managed to create some kind of governance in the country out of a pile of shit from the 90s. Maybe well, maybe not exactly, but the country has become manageable. Yes, there is turnover, there are deviations, but this is normal in any management of such a huge economy.

Let's not listen to Fedorov - this is a smokescreen of Putin's quite meaningful, well thought out and consistent actions to create new managerial elites in our country. In 1917 there was a 100% change of elites, in 1991 almost 100%. So Putin is cultivating new elites. These elites (demos) consist of: oligarchs, security officials and bureaucracy. At all times, these elites have never cared about the people. And all these straight lines are nothing more than PR.


The reference to Article 15 of the Constitution is a propaganda trick by Fedorov in order to gain time to form new elites, which includes this very Fedorov - a common scam.

Let me explain.

The article talks about the priority of international treaties. Can it be otherwise? Who will sign international treaties with us when we, referring to domestic laws, refuse to implement them? What, are we claiming a figure in our pocket?

It follows from this article of the Constitution that we cannot sign international treaties that contradict domestic laws. That is, domestic law always takes precedence. And if someone signed an international treaty that contradicts the domestic legislation, he/she should be prosecuted as a citizen of the country who does not abide by the legislation of that country. After all, it is an obvious thing: you cannot go against the laws of the country in which you live when signing any documents! And this obvious fact the clever Fedorov managed to twist and convince a lot of people that even the Constitutional Court had to explain this obvious thing.


Here's something to think about. Just don't, modders, delete the material - whoever reacts is at fault, and it's just an article from the internet.

Когда закончится безнаказанность США
Когда закончится безнаказанность США
Когда американцы изжили "синдром Вьетнама", то заболели национальной безопасностью. Основная идея была следующая: Белый дом должен бродить всему по земному шару и вторгаться в другие страны, в то время как Соединенные Штаты будет оставаться неуязвимыми для нападения. Что же могло пойти не так? В первые годы после холодной войны безнаказанность...