The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 46

Andrew Petras:

1 This is why you are doing this.

2 No. I'm not happy with the methods. Are you relieved?

1. Who am I blaming it on?

2. Your suggestions?

Andrew Petras:

I'm done. You're unconvincing.

Gone to cry...

Which articles in the Constitution say that it is necessary to comply with the IMF requirements?

Article 15

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have supreme legal force, direct effect and shall be applied on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts, which shall be adopted in the Russian Federation, must not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation .
2 State government bodies, local self-government bodies, officials, citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws.
3. Laws must be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be applied. Any normative legal acts that affect human and civil rights, freedoms and obligations shall not be applied unless they have been officially published for the public.
4. Universally recognised principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation shall be an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those stipulated by law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

Nikolay Kositsin:

Article 15

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have supreme legal force and direct effect and shall be applied throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation must not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation Federation.
(2) State government bodies, local self-government bodies, officials, citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws.
3. Laws must be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be applied. Any normative legal acts that affect human and civil rights, freedoms and obligations shall not be applied unless they have been officially published for the public.
4. Universally recognised principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation shall be an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those stipulated by law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

This clause 4 is a piece of paper. For example, in 2016Putin issued a decree stating that Russia refuses to be a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

That's it - the clause does not apply to the ICC. One decree (not even a law)


This clause 4 is a piece of paper. For example, in 2016Putin issued a decree stating that Russia refuses to be a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

That's it - the clause does not apply to the ICC. One decree (not even a law).

This is your personal idle speculation. No one is forcing you to think personally. You don't want to - continue to engage in self-delusion. But just one day under another president you may find yourself facing the fact of a universally recognised law of universal castration. Nothing personal...
Nikolay Kositsin:
It is your personal idle speculation. No one is forcing you to think personally. If you don't want to do so, go ahead with your self-delusion. But just one day under another president you may find yourself facing the fact of a universally recognised law of universal castration. Nothing personal...

This is not my reasoning - it is Putin's 2016 decree.



This clause 4 is a piece of paper. For example, in 2016Putin issued a decree stating that Russia refuses to be a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

That's it - the clause does not apply to the ICC. One decree (not even a law).

It has not been ratified. It is an order confirming the renunciation of status.

Россия вышла из Международного уголовного суда
  • 2016.11.16
Москва. 16 ноября. INTERFAX.RU - Президент РФ Владимир Путин издал распоряжение, согласно которому Россия отказывается быть участником Римского статута Международного уголовного суда (МУС). "Принять предложение Минюста России, согласованное с МИДом России и другими заинтересованными федеральными органами исполнительной власти, с Верховным Судом...
What the hell are you guys fighting about? Study crypto, the world's currency will be cryptocurrency
Andrew Petras:

Do you even watch these videos yourself?

Reduce the cost of credit for businesses, BUT:

2. but inflation!

3. but apart from the Central Bank the government is responsible!

4. But besides the Central Bank and the government, business is to blame;

5. But the fault lies with commercial banks - there are more than 900 of them, and they do not compete, they do not lend to small companies, they raise interest rates.

From minute 6, the bottom line is that interest rates need to be lowered, but by market, not administrative methods, and that commercial banks' profits need to be cut, so the cost of credit for businesses is lowered.....

Not a word about Nabiulina, not a complaint, and two mentions about the Central Bank without complaint.