FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 733


You've got Yusufchik here. Ah!

I've been looking for him. He has such clever thoughts! He does.

How did you get here? Yusuf? A man who understands the market.

I love watching you. Or rather, I love your sayings. Ah. They're so clever. I've missed you so much!


You've got Yusufchik here. Ah!

I've been looking for him. He has such clever thoughts! He does.

What brings you here? Yusuf? A man who understands the market.

I love watching you. Or rather, I love your sayings. Ah. They're so clever. I've missed you so much!

I'm not Yusuf)))Although for you I'm at least Papa Carlo))
I'm not Yusuf)))Though I'm at least Papa Carlo to you))
Karlusha =)))

I hope you remember me? Yusuf? Palm groves. Romantic coves. Banana islands?

Bloody Lobsters, candlelit dinner, as always???


I'm not talking to you. Calm down, Peppers.

Roman Busarov:
Karlusha =)))

Did you find what you were looking for?

the fifth one goes into the next first one.

I'm not Yusuf)))Though for you I may be Papa Carlo))
No, Yusuf))))
Did you find what you were looking for?
The new rena teaches you some wisdom, God bless him...
new rena teaches you how to be smart, God bless him...
New rena's teaching us a lesson, God bless him.

So Yusufchik, you don't like your avatar? )))

You never told us about the lobsters, so that's how it was.)