FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 606

yes in general announcing a prediction on this forum is a move against your own orders, noted.
you alone can't be more right than all the leftists - don't flatter yourself!!!
you alone can't be more right than all the leftists - don't flatter yourself!!!
That's the main point of all the dumb-headed sheep, congratulations, you've got it all figured out.
you alone cannot be more right than all the leftists - don't flatter yourself!!!
It's about me and everyone else. Said - selling. Folks for sale - price to reverse))))))))
That's the main point of all the dumb-headed sheep, congratulations, you've got it all figured out.
Thank you, teacher.
It's about me and everyone else. Said - selling. People sell, the price goes back))))))))
Yeah, well, the whole forex market is watching you.
Yeah,the whole forex market is watching you.
if it was just me, it would be a casino))))

I apologise for distracting you from your favourite mutually shitting exercise)))

you better tell me from this line forward point


-2.50 is a stake and -2.00 is a put?


And that 0.9 will be so there's no way around it.

After 1.13+/- ; after 0.92+/- ; after September
After 1.13+/- ; after 0.92+/- ; after September
Paco, have you been using the private line?

I apologise for distracting you from your favourite mutual shaming)))

you better tell me from this line forward point


-2.50 is a stake and -2.00 is a put?

For coloputs the average is taken