FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 538


I don't know when Vovan said that to you, he didn't say anything to me, did he tell you that even when he was sober?)

You're getting smart little by little, so don't fill your head with crap like patriotism and everything that goes with it, live your life the way you think is right and proper.

And forget the word "elect", no one has been electing anyone for a long time.

I could not get through to you personally, you do not answer the phone, there is always some bullshit in your head, some concern and no light.
Alexey Busygin:
I couldn't get through to you personally, you don't answer the phone, there's always some bullshit in your head, some preoccupation and no light at all.

I am a very calm and balanced person for the reason that I don't give a damn about the "problems" you talk about here.)

For me the biggest problem is boredom.


I am a very calm and balanced person for the reason that I don't give a damn about the "problems" you talk about here.)

For me the biggest problem is boredom.

The problem with boredom, is solved simply. The so-called problems are just crap that either gets noticed or not. There's not much to gain from it either. Except that sometimes you start to think and interesting thoughts come to you. For the sake of these interesting thoughts, it is probably worthwhile to be engaged in chitchat.
Hello everyone... it's nice when the weather forecast doesn't come true=)

I will try to write it down as it really is, and if anything, Strange will correct it or we will find the truth.

For a start, do not bring inflation into it, we are analyzing the macroeconomics. the market, not macroeconomics - "possible causes".

1. Speculators do not affect currency rates. The maximum is short-term and not essential. They have no capacity to do so, their sums are incomparable to the assets of the Central Bank. Buying even a few sacks of potatoes, even by dozens of buyers on the market, will have no effect on the price of potatoes put out by the state farm "Krasny Octyabr", which has harvested 900 tonnes.

2. The ruble is appreciating due to its purchases for foreign currency. Either investors with foreign capital come to the exchange and buy the rouble for their own purposes, or the Central Bank of Russia "drops" quid on the market and buys the existing supply for them. Again, the opportunities are different, don't forget.

3. For a future weakening of the rouble (expected, controlled and planned), all that is needed is for the Central Bank to enter the market to buy bucks/euros/ruble for roubles. That's it. There is no need to restrict anything.

4. As I understand it now, looking at the pair chart, the Central Bank sits and buys quid in the zones that are marked on the screenshot and doesn't give a shit. Or even everything below 65p/$ (I don't know what their price target is).

According to the classics. As they draw in books.

And further - upwards. How high and far - I do not know, it will be seen later.

It's a shame that my kitchen is closed for trading. I had to go and buy some))

Good day! I also bought a bit of dollar for ruble in real and sold some ruble on insta.

Roman Busarov:
hello everyone... it's nice when the weather forecast doesn't come true=)
What do you mean they don't come true? Has it stopped raining?
Alexey Busygin:
what do you mean it didn't come true? has it stopped raining?

he wasn't there=))) and should have been for 2 days=)

there's nothing better with vodka...

Roman Busarov:

he wasn't there=))) and should have been for 2 days=)

there's nothing better with vodka...

We haven't had any for over a month, either.
Roman Busarov:

he wasn't there=))) and should have been for 2 days=)

there's nothing better with vodka...

There is! I like luljaki better)) with vinegar and onions...
Bingo! I like dumplings better)) with vinegar and onions...

I'm getting hooked on meat again =) I think I'll get bored in a week or so... and then we'll see... maybe some lamb... maybe some fish... time will tell =)

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