FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 326


They are not connected to each other because the oil picture is only on the moon.

Here's an example, on the moon 60% of sales, and on the chif 47% of purchases, on the cable 45% of bays, on the quid 42% of sales, euro, audi and yen are hanging around zero, there is not much interest now.

And here is where the reaction is likely to be on the aud and nzd.


And here is where the reaction is likely to be on the aud and nzd.

Yes, the reaction to such "events" is always the same, jerking back and forth to speculators who sold or bought the instrument, deep into their "global" decisions).

They took sales, made a profit with them, now they took buys, fixes, shorts and ten times that rate).

I will say more, they are already sitting in profits on these purchases from 7290 and will now take on the flip side of the deals of all those willing to buy, i.e., sell their purchases to them at a profit)


Most importantly don't forget the basics, only HE knows EVERYTHING.

Honour the Teacher and HIS discs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Well, it's come alive at last

Yes, the reaction to such "events" is always the same, jerking back and forth to speculators who sold or bought the instrument, deep into their "global" decisions)

They took sales, made a profit with them, now they took buys, fixes, shorts and ten times that rate).

I will say more, they are already sitting in profits on these purchases from 7290 and will now take on the flip side of the deals of all those willing to buy, i.e., sell their purchases to them at a profit)

My average was somewhere around 0.7220. Bitch even bought at 0.7140. If has not closed yet. So it's OK for now.
о... people come alive=) old hello =)

Myth, hi)

Max, it's not about where you bought, it's about whether the price goes further up or not, they are already in profit, they can drag up to 76, or rather not they can, but theirs.

For example, Vasya comes in tomorrow and wants to buy 50 000 contracts on the futures of Audi. Who will sell it to him? Well, Petya a couple of k, Lesha a couple more, the rest will be sold and......)


"An injection of around $200bn into the country's economy could push the yen down by 10%, based on past experience. Although."

And the funny thing about their comment last month was how someone bought a thousand put contracts on the ruble))))

It didn't occur to the dudes that he sold 400k puts at 56 and 600k at 48)))))))))))

Япония может рискнуть и запустить программу «деньги с вертолёта»
Япония может рискнуть и запустить программу «деньги с вертолёта»
В Японии завершилась двухдневная встреча министров финансов стран G7. Участники встречи не заключили никакого соглашения по вопросам экономической политики, в том числе, в отношении недавнего резкого повышения курса иены. Нежелание политиков урегулировать ситуацию с обменным курсом иены может непреднамеренно ускорить реализацию применения...
Roman Busarov:
о... folks perked up=) old hello =)


essentially the same predictions zy)))) , He was half a month ago with the same aplomb (with insults to the public - although I suspect the room is half empty) sending the eu at 27 , austral to the sky...)))) (by the end of the trend wakes up - like your whole platypus swamp)



essentially the same predictions zy)))) , He was half a month ago with the same aplomb (with insults to the public - although I suspect the room is half empty) sending the eu at 27 , austral to the sky...)))) (wakes up by the end of the trend - like your whole platypus swamp)
