FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 309

Bought some from 158.40. Yes, it did. There was no confirmation signal (too bad, I was hoping for it). May be the price will go back to 160 and there will be a signal, then I will buy more. If not, I will hold to 165 and then flip to 150.

By the way, not a bad entry at 158.400 on the second bounce from the trend line, if I drew it right ))

Maybe there will be a third bounce and an entry at 160... We'll see tomorrow

Server Muradasilov:


AUDUSD looks like a reversal ?

You have to ask Strange, he's been bubbling it around....

By the way, not a bad entry at 158.400 on the second bounce from the trend line, if I drew it correctly ))

Maybe there will be a third bounce and an entry at 160... we will see tomorrow

Now gbpusd will reach 1.4680 or it will start to fail from the current ones. That's where it will take gbpjpy to 160 today. Most likely. If it really turns out to be 4000+. Such a mess on the jpy. We'll be flying 500 pips a day in a month or two. It happens once a year. It's the third time I've seen such a signal.
You have to ask Strange, he was just about to blow it...
Strange is not interested in Koloput, I was there when he announced AUDUSD :). I am interested in your opinion.
Server Muradasilov:
Strange is not interested in coloputs, when he voiced AUDUSD I was present :) . I am interested in your opinion :))

trending downwards and the lowest debts at the moment:

Thank you

pounder in his repertoire:

Any opinion on the pound? Resistance is up, 4735 and higher now?
Any opinion on the pound? Resistance is up, 4735 and higher now?
Shit, either I'm a fool or I have no higher today...)))) ok and let's have a look

there is:

they're going to take away the stick debt and that's it:

Thank you.)
Thank you))

sticks on the hour down on the euroen...

TR 122.45

Might give or hang a debt...