FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 303

And it all has to be taken from the axe, am I right?$Index_Options.pdf
Also, the eu is falling without debt so far.
The AUD behaved a bit strangely yesterday. It was a couple of pips short of the deposit at 7174 (about yesterday's entry). I'm still in a complete stupor, but globally I'm in favour of 79-80.
May still go lower. Stops at 200 p. But the picture is beautiful already, probably, it won't go lower.
Why is the drawdown so high? 63.59%

it is an error in the calculation of their top-up programme. is right here =) (????)

Myth63, Cent1: Профиль Лидера | Share4you
Myth63, Cent1: Профиль Лидера | Share4you
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May be it will go lower. Stops at 200 points. But there is a beautiful picture already, probably, it will not go lower.

On the contrary, very possibly. There are still deposits at the bottom. At the moment I only expect to go to 74, then down (I don't know exactly to 0.7 yet) and up again after that.

So that's the way we've been going so far).

Do you have a link to look at other pairs? Thanks in advance.
Can you give me a link to the other pairs? Thanks in advance.
to the cme ftp site, it's all there.
All sorted, thank you.

The program is called OptL. Look it up on mt5 forum - there is a whole thread about it. But if I'm not mistaken the author stopped supporting it not so long ago and gave it up to users.