FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 849

Roman Busarov:
wtb? =)

that's the one.

I'm off to the woods. I'm gonna start my hunting season. Good luck, everyone.

1,2 - on smaller timeframes - also available! About 1 - dunno. Sergiy, are you deliberately ignoring my questions? )))

Vas, on the shallow tf 1.20....

Did you forget your brain at home?



1. Why are you all so insane?I poke noses only at those who poke noses at others, shouting all over the place, how he f ... lazy, all defaming and assigning labels (duckbills and stuff like that). Everything else is just my thoughts and healthy communication on the market (not excluding, again, healthy humour). If my humor is not understood by someone - sorry, you won't get it by force.

2) What do you want from me personally?3. Did I hurt you in some way?I do not remember that! Do you want to prove something to someone like the ones you wrote about above? You want to prove to yourself and assert yourself - go ahead, but keep in mind - I personally do not care about it all!!! Maybe you have created idols, and I'm such a jerk they insulted? (Just kidding! But in every joke its only part)4. Do you need my predictions? Not sure.5 When I did, everybody laughed at me (perhaps you among them - I do not remember), called me a moron and other unflattering words! Then when predictions came true - do not remember that you personally praised me (or anyone else), as recently praised the old with Busarov.Therefore I think it's appropriate to remove them (predictions and messages), because they are not needed.Who needs to read and mark.

By the way posts after 3 days there is no way to remove or edit. So I leave time to read (those who are interested) and then ruthlessly fart)) So people who think they are smarter than the admins and giving them advice - think about whether to do it?

If you like my predictions - well - post... copy... like it... repost... print it out, hang it in the toilet, above your bed... so you don't forget! It's easy to get a hold of, it's hard to find. Adieu

Once again, you want my predictions? Search. Who seeks - he nayet. Specifically in this thread if that is useful and write - then I still delete (why read above), so as not to "litter" your well-groomed and cherished branch.

So I'm not mighty, I am Mighty!

I have told you many times - I do not claim to be absolutely right, I do not glorify myself. Only my personal opinion. Errors I admit absolutely always (if there are any)! The only pity is that there are no people here who can actually answer for their words .... They can only insult. Justify? No, that's not them! So they have to poke their noses in, but even here they can't admit that they're not the center of the earth either... and they're still huffing and puffing... Yuck on you many times...

And another thing about "mistakes". It's impossible to be wrong in the assumption! In the post facto, certainly not!

Ugh, tired! I hope I've explained it all clearly and laid it all out


7. What's there to code? It's 1.18 in Russian!!! I'll be even more precise - 1.181. As for time, I don't know (there are many more levels on the way) But certainly not through parity!!! Print it out and stick it on the wall In the next six months we may see.

1. There are no lunatics here, all perfectly adequate people. So why rub your nose in it if you're not right yourself.

2. Nothing. Exclusively your thoughts andhealthy communication on the market.

3. no.

4. Forecasts are always needed.

5.mmmoguschiy-new2016.07.21 15:25

Found your prediction. Yes, indeed it was in the case, but the thing is that I wrote the same thing on July 20 (the day before), so I was your team at that point. But about Roman and Strange, they made that forecast a week before I found out about the rise of gbpusd, that's why it caused such a strong reaction. But now I understand (straightforwardly), that my forecast was wrong and I could give it only on July 21 after 5pm (so I had to correct it). So you are 2 hours ahead of me. Well done!

6. Why would you even voice them then and then immediately delete them afterwards.

7. As for buying euros, see for yourself. But I have been selling since early May. It's a pity that the recent Kolyan on the yen wiped out all my sales from 1.14 and above. As I think all this bacchanalia with small pullbacks from the rising dollar is that the Aussie, New Zealander and pound is not loaded on sales. And as soon as they are loaded on sales there will be a real steady rise in the dollar.

I, on the other hand, am always in favour of normal market communication. And I also don't really understand your logic - about "this branch has always been a dump - so I will come and shiton" maybe something needs to change!!! We are all here for one reason - to understand and understand more about this complex subject of forex.

There you go! It's always nice to listen to a reasonable person!!! Well, I'm all for talking! On the market! But practice shows that no one needs it! Maybe I'm not seeing things. Or maybe I'm seeing the wrong things. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Trolling is good... but in moderation. This:

I'm sick of it!!!
It is what it is. I already wrote about it. I already wrote about it. Stockbrokers have such a temperament - as long as they win they are angry. Usdcad drops below 1.25, maybe it will get better)))), but I don't think so - only up.
There you go! It's always nice to listen to a reasonable person!!! Well, I'm all for talking! On the market! But practice shows that no one needs it! Maybe I'm not seeing things. Or maybe I'm seeing the wrong things. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Trolling is good... but in moderation. This:

So treat yourself.)
the moon would go to 1.3140
Maksim Diveev:
I'd like to go to 1.3140.

I wouldn't advise you to get into it, nobody wants anything there.

You want money? BucksCheef sell to 9640.


I wouldn't advise you to get into it, nobody wants anything there.

You want money? BucksCheef sell to 9640.

Well, not right now. He'll end up in a time crunch if he sells now, I think.
Well, not now... He'll end up in a slump in time if he sells now I think...
Don't think, it's not good for you.)
Don't think about it, it's bad for you.)
Just tell them to go down to that level and decide where to sell from.