FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 537

A pullback to where?
To 63-64p/$, or straight up and up?

this is already a higher matter)

it seems to me there will be no crisis of the genre of collapse of the currency system, we will move smoothly to some cryptocurrencies or whatever they will be called

Cryptocurrencies, are a profanation, a move to corporate rule, something Americans have been dreaming of for a long time. Anyone can generate them, only those who can provide them will have weight. Corporate governance is everyone's favourite Krylov's fable, "the crab and the pike", where each corporation will always pull in its own direction.
To 63-64p a quid, or straight up and up?
I don't know. With the upcoming move to 64 we can take
Alexey Busygin:
Cryptocurrencies, are a profanation, a shift to corporate governance, something Americans have been dreaming of for a long time. Anyone can generate them, only those who can provide them will carry weight. Corporate governance is everyone's favourite Krylov's fable, "the crab and the pike", where each corporation will always pull in its own direction.

exactly the same as today's banknotes)

They are printed by 200 countries and are not backed by anything)


exactly the same as today's banknotes)

They are printed by 200 countries and are not backed by anything)

Well yes, I don't see any difference in generating or printing that which is blank.

Alexey Busygin:
Крипто валюты, это профанация, переход на корпоративное правление, о чем американцы мечтают давно. С генерировать их может каждый, он вес будет иметь только те, кто сможет их обеспечить. Корпоративное правление, это всеми любимая басня Крылова, "лебедь рак и щука" Где каждая корпорация, будет тянуть всегда в свою сторону.

Lyosha, no matter what you come up with, nothing will change, because man is such a stupid animal that he will try to live off others, doing nothing, until those same others hang him by the balls.


exactly the same as today's banknotes)

They are printed by 200 countries and are not backed by anything)

Of course they are, they are backed by state guarantees.
Well yes, I don't see any difference in generating or printing that it's nothing.
Even though Putin said the ruble is backed by gold, that's a lie too. If the ruble had been backed by gold, it would at least have been at least a little gold-plated at face value. Then the price could also be equated to gold.
And they won't pick another dumb bastard who will in turn do what his predecessor did. And so it goes round and round many times.
Alexey Busygin:
Even though Putin said that the ruble is backed by gold, that is a lie too. If the ruble was backed by gold, it would at least have been at least a little gold-plated at face value. Then the price could be equated with gold as well.

I don't know when Vovan said that to you, he didn't say anything to me, did he tell you that even when he was sober?)

Alexey Busygin:
And they won't pick another dumb brute who will in turn do the same thing as his predecessor. And so on in a circle many times.

You're getting smart little by little, so don't fill your head with crap like patriotism and everything that goes with it, live your life the way you think is right and proper.

And forget the word "elect", no one has been electing anyone for a long time now.