The oil issue ... - page 29

Alexander Bereznyak:

But electricity has to be produced in quantities that can only be made by fusion.

then the price and volume will make it possible to do away with hydrocarbons.

They are promising to launch this fusion project in 2020.

Reptiloids will share the technology ))
If you think in terms of meat, never, but if you think in terms of compression-expansion and information management... if that's what they've come up with... then it's possible... God gives according to ability in needs...
Сергей Криушин:
If you think in terms of meat, never, but if you think in terms of compression-expansion and information management... well, if they've come up with that... then it's possible... God gives according to ability in needs...
If you believe in God, why do you trade in Forex, it is a sin? ))

and again about oil )

and why we don't sell water )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

and again about oil )

and why we don't sell water )

They do. I knew people who poured such bottles from the water supply through a filter, then labeled them "Holy Spring, approved by the saint (insert as appropriate)" and delivered them to offices.
USD = 100 - 0,75 * Brent
USD = 100 - 0,75 * Brent
В последнее время цена отвзязалась от формулы "Нефть в рублях = const" (3600р, 3200р и т.д.) и сейчас нефть в рублях около 2300 рублей. Поэтому данную формулу надо отбросить (то есть само предположение, что курс меняется так, чтобы нефтегазовые доходы бюджета были неизменными, уже неверно) Также при приближении цены нефти к нулю нефтегазовые...

The process is underway

Цена на нефть из Северной Дакоты опустилась ниже нуля
Цена на нефть из Северной Дакоты опустилась ниже нуля
Покупатель одного из сортов американской низкокачественной нефти потребовал от продавца доплатить, чтобы он забрал сырье. Еще год назад за эту марку давали $13,5
Sergey Golubev:

The process is underway

Pay me extra and then I'll fill up with a full tank of petrol!
Karputov Vladimir:
Pay me extra and then I'll fill up a full tank of petrol!
They must really have nowhere to put their money if they invest in such production facilities and keep them running.
In short - a lot of money is bad, too.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
If you believe in God, why do you trade on the forex market, it's a sin, isn't it? ))
I'm an agnostic - although I don't really know what that is - I believe in the universal mind, in sentient water - well somewhere in here God as a collective image... I also believe in priests as mediators, although there are real ones among them... I can also say that I have seen - experienced such a thing... that I believed at once and forever...