The oil issue ... - page 23

If the u.s. is the u.s., then the shale revolution was taking place in the u.s.
I was writing on behalf of the USA ...

The oil market is not run by OPEC but by a banking cartel >>>

Статистика агентства Bloomberg, основанная на синтетическом показателе World Oil & Gas Index, показывает, что за первую неделю нового года 60 крупнейших нефтекомпаний мира на падении цен понесли потери в размере около 100 млрд. долларов. Royal Dutch Shell Plc, крупнейшая нефтяная компания Европы, потеряла 5,7% по индексу Bloomberg, а BG Group - 6,4%. Sinopec, крупнейшая нефтеперерабатывающая компания Азии, потеряла по индексу Bloomberg 7,6%, а PetroChina Co., вторая по величине нефтяная компания в мире, - 6,8%. 

Валентин КАТАСОНОВ - Рынком нефти управляет не ОПЕК, а банковский картель – Фонд стратегической культуры – электронное издание > Рынком нефти управляет не ОПЕК, а банковский картель > - Фонд Стратегической Культуры | Strategic...
Валентин КАТАСОНОВ - Рынком нефти управляет не ОПЕК, а банковский картель – Фонд стратегической культуры – электронное издание > Рынком нефти управляет не ОПЕК, а банковский картель > - Фонд Стратегической Культуры | Strategic...
Начало нового года сопровождалось рекордным падением индексов и цен на финансовых и товарных рынках. Новые рекорды зафиксированы и на рынке нефти. За период с июля 2014 по конец 2015 года цена этого энергоресурса снизилась на 70 %. Казалось бы, дальше некуда, и тем не менее на минувшей неделе нефть подешевела ещё более чем на 10 %, пережив...

it's a good strategy)

give out loans to set up the oil industry

wait for them to spin out

when they do, drive prices down until they go bankrupt

when they go bankrupt unscrew the oil company

>>>))... then raise the price and sell the oil at your price because you are a monopolist )))

everything is simple )

SZS: Well, if not a monopoly, then at least a major player.

ZZZY: inflate and burst the bubble as in the case of real estate, they can do that )

The only thing left is to buy long term oil for 3-5 years. )
Vladimir Pastushak:

Wondering :

The price of oil is falling, OPEC is not cutting production, the US is starting to export oil for the first time in 75 years, which it was not buying at current prices.


In practice the more commodity and supply the lower the price, does the majority want to collapse the price of oil to 5-6$ ??? then production itself will become unprofitable.

Who needs it?
What will happen next?
What to hope for?
And when will it end?

Let's try to understand it at least a bit, are there any experts on oil ? I don't understand anything at all....

Why don't we look at the question from a different angle? OPEC no longer controls the market. If it puts up quotas, it will simply be ignored and that will be the end of it. Officially. That's why there are no new quotas either.

America has unsealed the strategic stocks. It's not like it's a 50-year-old stew or pork they used to feed in the army. It's not like oil has an expiry date. Maybe they have a different strategy, and oil plays no role in it? So they dump it for something.

How will it end? Last year, almost all significant carmakers exhibited concepts with excellent power units. Different from the internal combustion engine. Not the first, but a loud call in favour of alternative energy. Now let's see what the devil out of the snuffbox pops up and puts out "new" engine designs that have been sitting under the bough for 50 years, and that can run without fuel. Or almost without it. And who will need $5-6 oil then? Take it for free, it takes up a lot of space.

Aleksey Lazutin:

Can we look at the issue from a different angle? OPEC no longer controls the market. If it puts up quotas, it will simply be ignored and that will be the end of it. Officially. That's why there are no new quotas.

America has unsealed the strategic stocks. It's not like it's a 50-year-old stew or pork they used to feed in the army. It's not like oil has an expiry date. Maybe they have a different strategy, and oil plays no role in it? So they dump it for something.

How will it end? Last year, almost all significant carmakers exhibited concepts with excellent power units. Different from the internal combustion engine. Not the first, but a loud call in favour of alternative energy. Now let's see what the devil out of the snuffbox pops up and puts out "new" engine designs that have been sitting under the bough for 50 years, and that can run without fuel. Or almost without it. And who will need $5-6 oil then? Take it for free, it takes up a lot of space.

Tesla produced 75% more cars in 2015 than in 2014, that's not a wake-up call, that's a good "Lesh" to the back of the head.
Vladimir Pastushak:
Tesla produced 75% more cars in 2015 than in 2014, that's no longer a wake up call, it's already a good 'Leesh' to the back of the head.

in 2014 released 100 in 2015 released 175? )

figures, links would be interesting, just don't google it )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

in 2014 released 100 in 2015 released 175? )

figures, links would be interesting, just don't send them to google )

For 2015 about 20,000 cars. When converted to Russian roubles at the exchange rate of 32-33 the cheapest one cost 6,000,000 roubles , I know there are electric taxis in Moscow, but not tesla...

400 kilometres on a Tesla costs 70 roubles converted into electricity.

Vladimir Pastushak:

For 2015 there were around 20,000 cars. When converted to Russian roubles at the exchange rate of 32-33, the cheapest one cost 6,000,000 roubles, I know there are taxis in Moscow with electric cars, but not Tesla...

A 400-kilometre journey in a Tesla costs 70 roubles, converted into electricity.

And these are just the first swallows. Next widespread production will bring down the price and they will cost a little bit more than a normal car.

400 kilometres for 70 roubles? That's something, not 1000-1500 like with petrol. But it will be cheaper.

Vladimir Pastushak:

For 2015 there were around 20,000 cars. When converted to Russian roubles at the exchange rate of 32-33, the cheapest one cost 6,000,000 roubles, I know there are electric taxis in Moscow, but not Tesla...

A 400km journey in a Tesla costs 70 roubles converted into electricity.

So it's still a luxury, not a means of transport.