FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 900

Server Muradasilov:
What are the guides?
Instructions on how to use this topic so that you don't get hurt.
Server Muradasilov:
What are the guides?
Yury Reshetov:
Instructions on how to use this topic, so as not to get hurt inadvertently.

Yeah, noooo! It's an Anglo-Saxon kerl outfit.


Yeah, noooo! It's an Anglo-Saxon kerl outfit.

Why didn't I think of the kerl in the first place? I've been a total embarrassment in front of all these people.

I protest, this is an outrage!!!!! Banned for 24 hours for quoting our Good, Mighty and Greatest Teacher, may HIS years be long and HIS bald head not fade!

Evil people don't want HIM to be with us and teach us


I protest, this is an outrage!!!!! Banned for 24 hours for quoting our Good, Mighty and Greatest Teacher, may HIS years be long and HIS bald head not fade!

Evil people don't want HIM to be with us and teach us


DOP. all right, I'll go. (I'm sick of being in this diarrhea)

You are with us, O Veliii


DOP. all right, I'll leave. (I'm sick of being in this diarrhea)

No way, YOU should be here mentoring us clueless!!!

Come on, Ishim, the Internet is big and there's a place for everyone on it. It is certainly not worth it to be offended on the Internet.

Make eyes like I did on the previous page and start some little-understood theme to spite non-friends and to the delight of fans.

Форекс / Forex - Юмор трейдеров на международном
Юмор на валютном рынке Форекс, смешные высказывания, анекдоты, карикатуры и истории о Forex.

Come on, Ishim, the Internet is big and there's a place for everyone on it. It is certainly not worth it to be offended on the Internet.

Make eyes like I did on the previous page and start some little-understood theme to spite non-friends and to the delight of fans.

I don't owe you anything, adieu. (while I'm on 4)