FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 39

the link stuck (((( naturally not mcuels - it's actually a circular movement. Thanks again everyone!

Senya... don't go... let's have another laugh... tell us about the statistics)))

Ishim, or maybe you should go back to what was advised a long time ago. You don't have to deny it, just ask again. It's a really interesting topic. So what was the conversation about 8 years ago?
maybe later I'll throw you a link (with the condition of non-proliferation among the inadequate)))) )
maybe I'll send you the link later (under the condition of non-proliferation among the inadequate)))) )
Senya... stop hiding... post it here... we're all friends here... we won't get caught...))
what software and broker or website gives this kind of futures rate ?
Ninja, which Stolnikov failed to master)))
Sen... stop hiding... put it out here... everyone here is a friend... no one's going to get hurt)))
What can he post? Another pike))))
What can HE put out there? Another pike))))
You'll have your way and no one will annoy you.
What can HE put out there? another pike))))
bastalom)))))))))))... what's twinkling in his head?))))
i liked the one about the time pattern)))
maybe he'll do something else...
you'll have it your way and no one will annoy you.
Senya... don't listen to Old Man... you have fans... write whatever you want)))) Get your notebook out))
What the fuck is the m1? You haven't even realised in eight years that there are no timeframes. They, timeframes, were invented to show you the price movement, in order to display this movement programmatically, you had to make a reference to time, so they invented the timeframe. I am not even talking about your, as well as most other attendants, "TS", you are trying to find patterns that do not exist, instead of following the traders' actions, you invent some far-fetched theories and try to use them to make money, bullshit, and when I say that you should at least study the market structure and its participants, you start again with stories about dealing centers, which are not the market, in general, the idiocy in square.
I agree with everything Strange just said, the market is driven by real speculators with real money, no matter how corny and simple it is
Senya... don't listen to Old... you have fans... write whatever you want)))) get your notebook out)))
maybe later I'll send you a link (under the condition of non-proliferation among inadequate )))) )
join in. let's discuss here, what to hide // no notebook, I write down immediately on a nice white sheet of paper. the frame is ready.