FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 82


And this despite the fact that Japan is off today - they are celebrating Sailor's Day =)))

So that's the "thin market".

The Australian aborigines have got it all wrong))))
on silver in sales to 14,259
I would close them, but it's up to you to decide. Mania is not making me happy with the euras today)
On the quid - W is the word...
It'll probably go under 100...or even higher...
As far as timing goes... we'll see...
Nah, I like Agatha Christie and Lapis Trubetskoy better)))
I'd close them, but it's up to you. Mania is not making me happy with the euras today)
I closed the deal as I wrote it about half an hour ago...
By the quid - W...
It'll probably go under 100... or even higher...
Time-wise, I don't know. we'll see...

Teacher you for saying that....

Mania where? Couldn't go to school - it's the holidays...


Teacher you for saying that....

Mania where? Couldn't go to school - it's the holidays...

You shouldn't.
Green today.
Although Teacher...........
Mania... it's a mystery...

He shouldn't.
Green today.
Although Teacher...........
Mania... it's a mystery...

Sho Teacher, Ahmet dragged a couple of lorries, paddles in them))))

He works as a janitor on Lizyukova Street, but he's scratching oranges for us )))))

Well, I've closed all the poses. I'll wait for a chance to recruit new ones. The euro could fly - there is potential for a wild rally...

Guys, I honestly didn't know you could do that :)

It didn't fucking fit :(

I wanted to put a picture or a file, 1080 by 15000 :)