FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 522

я то уйду. с кем останетесь, отроки? )))

так и останетесь со Старым вместе - один - пророк, и подхолим - воспевало )))

какие же вы жалкие

я то уйду. с кем останетесь, отроки? )))

так и останетесь со Старым вместе - один - пророк, и подхолим - воспевало )))

какие же вы жалкие

I remember, son, that you salted the euro and the Aude, how was it, did you replenish the depot?

Pitiful, you're right, everybody's jokes are like jokes, but I've got some half-assed...




Good clowns are rare these days.

Give us back Sensei...


Good clowns are rare these days.

Give us back Sensei...

go easy on them... ...nostrils out and to the penal colony.

I remember, my son, that you solved the euro and the Aude, how is it, did you replenish the deposit?

Pitiful, you're right, everybody's jokes are like jokes, but I've got some half-assed...

I don't salt anything. The chefs at the restaurants salt it for me... they're good at it...

I don't remember posting any deals here. gold doesn't count ;)
You go easy on them... ...and you'll have to take your nostrils out and throw them in the slammer.

Nah, you gotta tame it, it's wild from the woods.

Although, I don't think this teacher will do any good, you can feel its lack of intelligence even from a distance.

You go easy on them... Take their nostrils out and send them to jail.
What's with the manners? Be careful what you say... or they'll rip your nostrils out... ))
OK, there's nothing more to talk about here... goodbye. Goodbye!
What's with the manners?! Be careful what you say... or they'll tear something out of you... ))

Don't be afraid, Uncle's joking, don't run away)

At least some of it, or there won't be any...

All right, play here for now, I'll come back later, and don't let them complain about you.


Gold demand hits six-year low

Global demand for gold fell by 12% in six months.

Global demand for gold fell by 12% in the second quarter of 2015, to its lowest level in six years, writes The Wall Street Journal citing the report of the World Gold Council.

From March to June this year, demand in physical terms was 914.9 tonnes of gold compared to 1,038 tonnes in the same period in 2014.

That's it. Let's start selling the ginger. Preferably, if 1050 is given, that's the best place for sells)))