FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1719

Nuh-uh. 5,000 contracts on the m5 - that's just our guys messing around.

I don't know about your boys' antics. But as long as the price goes up without volume.

Connect your guys and everything will get better.)

I suggest guessing tomorrow's close. .077 as an option. if not tomorrow, then the first target.
Half a candle goes down today
Shit, I was blind, I covered the gold.(( Somebody put a spell on it.
Server Muradasilov:
Half of the candle is down today.
I'm looking at the futures profile. I don't care if it's half or not half.)

I don't know about your boys' antics. But as long as the price goes up without volume.

Get your boys on board and things will get better.)

You're a fool, I told you with a cd. No penny for a paid turkey, listen to your elders.
Dummy, I told you with a cd. You can't afford a pay-per-view turkey, listen to your elders.
asshole, choose your words.
asshole, choose your words.
Don't bullshit and you'll get respect.
Don't bullshit - you'll get respect. But it's for the local sheep.
Is that your respect? In some herd you may be an important sheep, but here you're just
Is that your respect? In some herd you might be an important sheep, but here you're just
What's the big deal? Write down the price and see if it runs or not. Eidler's a good salesman.
What's the big deal? Write down the price and see if it runs or not. Eidler's doing all right.
It's okay. It's the norm around here. That's how people understand each other better.