FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1543

You still don't get it. There is no ruler. Every third post is about Him. Any mortal would get hiccups.)
It's like Dartagnan and the Three Musketeers.
Alexey Busygin:
It's like Dartagnan and the Three Musketeers.
Nah, it's like HE, Ilya and you))))
Alexey Busygin:
The man is in pain, and new circumstances have now surfaced that are not in favour of growth, so for two months.
What circumstances have come up?
What circumstances came up?
So I told you, wait and see.
Alexey Busygin:
That's what I told you, wait and see.
Stop shrouding yourself in an aura :) Just say I don't know, I'm in the heat of the moment ))))
I like it)))
Yesterday-This morning-"betting against betrayal"... panic...
today- mystery.... intrigue...
Too bad Seni's not here... He'd have been a grown-up scarecrow.))

For those who like to meditate))) the tank index...


One pip didn't make it....

The poor thing is convulsing (against the ceiling) - it looks like it's about to die

how's she doing for you, eh!!!?
Опционные уровни (авторские или нестандартные методы)
  • RatnikFX
У папаши мюллера в бороде развивается педикулез. Вши не дают жить ему, а он - обитателям ветки...

And the main thing is clear, on the left are HE, Ilya and Lesha

No, HE on the right is squinting his purple eye.