FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1773

There is such a thing (complex), I am a sinner! But who among us is not without sin? )) Otherwise, we'd all be in the Caribbean again ... But no - all the "smart" - open up, and then Uncle Walrus comes to visit!!!

It's all for naught. Emotions are destructive. I don't disagree. But I'm a human being, not a piece of metal. Maybe that's my advantage. You gotta know how to turn a weakness into a good thing. That's what I'm trying to do.) I never plan to make fun of anybody. It ends up that they're making fun of me! The road to hell is paved with good intentions!!! ((
i'm not. my wife used to take my blood pressure when i was shopping. i asked for it myself. you won't believe it - not at all.
that it's fucked... that's understandable! what i'm wondering is how to survive in this fucked up situation? )))
I'm wondering how much you can say, there's real volume on the futures. and Oldy is using real entities.
I'm not kidding. My wife used to take my blood pressure when I was on a deal. I asked for it myself. You wouldn't believe it - not at all.
I don't believe it! The forum, for instance, raises my blood pressure I think it jumps too))
Good morning everyone !
And Old man uses real essences.

Well, that's clear! I'll rephrase the question - how do you do forex with futures volumes so that you don't get cheated? )) Well, the answer is sort of under my feet, but somehow it slips away somehow I have a setting - to win every day. How's that? I know - the Grail... It's not complicated, but it's the Grail. Finding it is the tricky part. But you won't tell us, you won't even tell us, the unwise...

It's not just for me... I'm not just for me. I'm for everybody. I took the trouble to write down the principle of price movement... Maybe someone will find it useful! I don't mind. It may not be the Holy Grail, but it at least helps to better understand the big picture. And there's no one who wants to continue - they seem to know, but not... And that's sad!

Server Muradasilov:
Good morning everyone !
whatever you say. i'm going to sleep in until the pindosofs. but yeah ! hello !
For today on the eu, IMHO is as follows - up to the 16th with corrections up to about 1.13... for now, closer to 1.11. Then on the 16th, a rate hike and a bullet down.
Whatever you say. I'm going to sleep in till the piñatas. But yeah! Hi!
How's Zariq doing?

Well that's clear! I'll rephrase the question - how do you do forex with futures volumes so that you don't get cheated? )) Well, the answer is sort of under my feet, but somehow it all slips away I have a setting - on a daily gain. How's that? I know - the Grail... It's not complicated, but it's the Grail. Finding it is the hard part. But you won't tell us, you won't even tell us, the unwise...

It's not just for me... I'm not just for me. I'm for everybody. I took the trouble to write down the principle of price movement... Maybe someone will find it useful! I don't mind. It may not be the Holy Grail, but it at least helps to better understand the big picture. And there's no one who wants to continue - they seem to know, but not... And that's sad!

There is nothing daily. if the FSC screws up, then we'll be happy with daily deals within reason.
there's nothing daily. if the fs screws up, we'll be happy with dailies. a lot can be done within reason.
It's an ideal to strive for. with some effort, I think you can even make it a daily! I don't think so, I'm sure of it! But the ideal, as you know, is unattainable...

and at the Fed, yes, they can bungle it. This is scenario number two. Too much like last year's December 16 (or 18 - I do not remember exactly). Many people will want to sell rubles and buy dollars. And they bang and do not raise them - that's when they scam everybody!!! As they know how and what they do.

All right - I have too much to say today - shut up)) Maybe I'll shut up - I don't know - it depends.