FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1489

I have a feeling that the man in the cemetery anecdote will see the pluses...
Not crosses)))
Sorcerer, what's wrong with you? With your poetic nature, can't you tell the difference between omnivorous and unprincipled? Nonsense... I'm a wreck...
Euro yo u r r e a t i o n o u t t h e m e n t a n d B u t h e deposit will be befallen. Like a Pamm Guru!
Alexey Busygin:
The euro fucking rise veh↑ Or else BѢ will be befall the deposit. Like a Pamm Guru!

The spells are eternal. )

What's that? A wave of exhaustion?
Wake up)))The wave is long over...It's a drum solo (Solo drums))))
Anatoli Kazharski:

The spells are eternal. )

There's no way around the FA. December is around the corner, the Greeks are due another tranche. They are keeping everyone in a hungry body because of this.

So, we can forget about the growth in the next half year, if there will be any, it will be insignificant!

Alexey Busygin:
Euro yo u r r e a t i o n o u t t h e m e n t a n d B u t i c a l l l i n g s o n t h e deposit. Like a Pamm Guru!
I can't understand you. Are you buying or selling?
You don't know what you're talking about. Are you buying or selling?

All at once, buying with one hand and selling with the other

It matters which side you're on, I seem to be on the wrong side again.


The extras kicked the euora the fuck... osten...

Nervously rubbing the quid's palms...

The ghost of the third is on the mind.

A boy sits in the saddle...
And the horse waits
Picking potatoes...
The boy sits in the saddle...
And the horse is waiting.
Picking potatoes...
You don't mean Lukashenko, do you?
Alexey Busygin:

All at once, buying with one hand and selling with the other

It matters which side you're on, I seem to be on the wrong side again.

How can you be on the wrong side when you say you have two hands? Tired right hand, work the left. There will be no slippage, purely because of physiology.)