FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1109

Alexey Busygin:
Well, what if you didn't leak your own and they found it?
Server Muradasilov:
Well, then he's offended that everyone's barking!
Alexey Busygin:
These are short-term predictions, they have a place, too :) And in general, short-term forecasts, you can make a prediction.

Dr... this is pointless and moneyless.

Alexey Busygin:
Well, what if they have not plummeted and found? Will there be any predictions?

Such moments are always negotiated in advance.

The teacher is alive)))


Take Ilya, he's up and down ten times a day, one guessed, two, three missed.

You're talking rubbish to the masses again...

An auction is an auction, buy and sell.

On Yen, buy sticks, 4 o'clock buy sticks will work, the price may go down...

all sales are redemption of your poses!


I didn't like the theme of the general bacopadhropy. Demura threw the theme: as soon as the three countries Canada states Mexico energy balance is equalized, so will throw the americans. i am so cool to stepa, he has gold at 500000, aliens..... but the theme is not bad.... who knows English better than the menu, track it down, write back.



Dr... this is pointless and moneyless.

Such moments are always negotiated in advance.

The teacher is alive)))

Have you seen him? Say yes to reassure everyone.

I didn't like the theme of the general bacopadence. Demura threw the theme: as soon as the three countries Canada states Mexico energy balance is equalized, so will throw the americans. i'm so cool to Stepa, he has gold at 500000, aliens..... but the theme is not bad.... who knows English better than the menu, track it down, write back.


You have so many gaps from the dot to the "K", have you been drinking today? Because the speech is a bit slurred.

Dr... this is pointless and moneyless.

Such moments are always negotiated in advance.

The teacher is alive)))

The same thing happens with all automated bots, one month you make money, two months you make money, the third month you lose money.
I've been using bots since 2006 ... I haven't had a drain so far ...

and the ginger is unchanged: