FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1038

Karl! Again )))) - backpack and go West! (don't forget the beard).
I'm listening to YOU, oh great one, why me, all the readers are sitting here with their mouths open, and YOU are showing off, go ahead and scratch something, just not the Honduran, you can scratch it later))))

sure (maybe 7 pips back) and the harrier 2910

(he's on a minefield, buy closed, buy open.) (don't want to run, open a sell and wait for 1.03)

YOUR entry, the sell, oh Master, opened my eyes, it inspired and encouraged me, opened new horizons in front of me and showed me that I still have a lot to learn and strive for!!!

And these two bestol beautiful bai.... Teacher, how much do you have to study to be able to do that? ....

Sensei, why don't YOU answer me, what have I done to offend YOU?
24% balance. Equity lagging by 10%.
O Great One, teach such inputs as the sell at YOUR bottom in the screenshot
Has the pound been fixed yet?
Oh Great One, teach me how to make an entry like the one you have in the screenshot below.
He's still a heel.
So, has the pound been fixed yet?

Ilya, you know I don't like repeating the same thing ten times.

A kike is still a kike.

In Africa I don't...

Told you yesterday that the week's close would not be far from current prices.

Ilya, you know I don't like repeating the same thing ten times.

the trouble is...



Goura Idler would be crying, looking at this)))))))))))))))))

He's said a hundred times "Ilya, watch the fuchs, volumes and oi", Ilya understood and drew sticks, good thing he's mushrooming and can't see it)))))))))))))))