FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1026


Vladimir Zhirinovsky

What letter was the vocabulary, if it's not a secret?

Paco )

I have this ))))

Idler )))) B.

Fuck ))) If I don't get taken care of again. )))
Kangaroo's starting to go stale, we need to sell it.
Did you hear what North said yesterday?)
There goes your eura on the road, did you even have time to sell it?
sold it yesterday )))) Was in the drawdown.

palkenshui is shuipalken in Africa...

TR1089, just like I said...

ow.... I'm afraid... How not up again.
Did you hear what North said yesterday?)

time is a galaxy out there...

and we'll go, we'll eat:

I'm afraid of being spat upon, however... thecommodities triumph coincided with the start of the syrian mess. the threat to the region -oil up - the commodities down.
Eurost was going down, now it's going up (((

Switching off monitor.
See you later.

time is a galaxy out there...

and we'll go, we'll eat:

Time was a wagon when the accumulation on it was going on, August-September, now buy whatever you get and sit in silence, if 7150 is given, consider yourself the luckiest dudes in our galaxy)))) I showed you funny pictures on it yesterday)
Did you hear what North said yesterday?)
He's a trucker. Our turnover's different. He doesn't seem to put the boo in. I respect him of course, but I stick to a slightly different theory, especially in terms of drawdown. I think everything that is below 0.75-sale to 0.69, and I do not pretend to reach 0.665, I do it with a stop and then with boo. This is short-term.
I'm afraid of being spat upon, however... to the issue offa. the commodities triumph coincided with the start of the syrian mess. threat to the region -oil up - commodities down.
Remember I said a month and a half ago that oil was being bought up and something had to happen? But I wrote then that the Pindostan congress was unlikely to ratify the Iran deal and there would be no lifting of sanctions, which turned out to be the case. At mt5 they laughed like horses when I bought oil at 43(crude) in September and here they looked at me like a fool. So far I am 5.5 points ahead.
There was a lot of time when it was being accumulated, August-September, now buy everything you get and sit in silence, if they give you 7150, then consider yourselves the happiest dudes in our galaxy)))) I showed you funny pictures of it yesterday)
What if we're knee-deep in it?