FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1020

took a chance on 5310
The teacher worries me, he must have sold a Euro again and is lying somewhere in the bushes nearby....
I'm shocked, even the wooden one has matured, it looks like a round figure wants to show.
I'm shocked, even the wooden one has matured, looks like a round figure wants to show.

What's there to be surprised about, long time ago said the quid is selling out, here a hundred times, last time here with figures

The teacher worries me, he must be selling euros again and is lying somewhere in the bushes nearby....
kakl )
kakl )
I got that. Did you at least take your trousers off?)

What's there to be surprised about, long time ago said the quid is selling out, here a hundred times, last time here with figures

I have not been there. The quid won't just give up positions. It's going to swing back. The pipsips in the eu will be able to salivate from the current levels. I like the fact of the reversal attempt, especially in commodities. The quid has gone too wild, soon it will be a good chance to catch the bottom.
you're probably big. but i don't do that. pesci hieroglyphicpa bigger. volume onfuchsforeva. wow, happy and gives confidence in the future.

So these yacht owners were pushing the pound to the americans for a few hundred contracts?

In general, they are strange people these yacht owners, if you give them 20 pips they shout for joy, if you give them figures - they send them away....

creative, giving farts ))))
you must be a bicycle. but i don't do that. pesi hieroglyphicpa bigger. volume onfuchsforeva. wow, happy and gives you confidence in the future.
only he's great!!!