FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1550

Evgeniya Balchin:
If they were smarter, they would realise that they are sitting on a powder keg... but that is not the subject of this forum))

The interesting thing for us here is that the pindostan is in remission at the moment - they are withdrawing the previously printed quid from circulation. That is the reason for the drop in energy prices and commodities. It also says outright that China is currently trading cheap oil.

In addition, I note that the Swiss franc was included in the basket of currencies in which a SWAP agreement was concluded, which somewhat contradicts the claim of it as a shelter currency.

what do you expect from the tank in four hours?
Why so modest, you ask every five minutes)

The ECB has announced another 7-day swap agreement with the Fed for tomorrow. And tomorrow is also the maturity date of the 3-month swap of 27 August 15 for 33.13 yards. That means that the ECB reverses the quid for that amount and receives the euro at the current value on 27th August 2015. (roughly 1, 13-1,125)


Open market operations
  • European Central Bank
The Eurosystem’s regular open market operations consist of one-week liquidity-providing operations in euro ( main refinancing operations , or MROs ) as well as three-month liquidity-providing operations in euro ( longer-term refinancing operations , or LTROs ). MROs serve to steer short-term interest rates, to manage the liquidity situation and...

all debts will be taken today:

Are they having a debt sale?

About stocking up on cheap oil, you overestimate them, the world is as dumb as it was 100000 years ago, no one buys anything cheap, only expensive)

I'd stay away from chif.

At the moment, yes. But he's road to 1.2 in the short term.
Evgeniya Balchin:
If they were smarter, they would realise that they are sitting on a powder keg... but that is not the subject of this forum))
It's the dark side of fundamental analysis that says it's time to sell the quid.

The interesting thing for us here is that the pindostan is in remission at the moment - they are withdrawing the previously printed quid from circulation. That is the reason for the drop in energy prices and commodities. It also says outright that China is currently trading cheap oil.

Also, note that the Swiss franc has been included in the basket of currencies for which a SWAP agreement has been concluded, which is somewhat at odds with the claim that it is a shelter currency.

Let me tell you a secret, there are no sanctuary currencies and never have been.
Right now, yes. But he's road to 1.2 in the short term.
And be on his way to a lower 0.9 in the coming year)
Alexey Busygin:
I'll tell you a secret, there is no escape and there never was one.
That's it, you're screwed (secret revealed). Google it, your enemies think there are and have been.
Alexey Busygin:
It's the dark side of fundamental analysis that says it's time to sell the quid.
You've probably got a lot of deals to sell and you're sitting there agitating everyone... Yesterday I wrote, you agreed to go into battle)))) or do you want to confuse everyone?