FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1555

There are options. Buy the land, win the land independence war, strengthen the lunar hryvnia.
Купить луну на moon-sale | Хотите купить землю на луне? Настоящий сертификат от магазина лунной недвижимости
Купить луну на moon-sale | Хотите купить землю на луне? Настоящий сертификат от магазина лунной недвижимости
Не хотели бы вы приобрести кусочек другой планеты? Да-да, не привычный нам дачный участок где-нибудь вблизи вашего города, а землю в другом измерении вселенной! В нашем удивительном мире сегодня можно приобрести даже Луну. Ну, естественно, не всю, но ее малую часть. Кстати, невероятно выгодная покупка: с годами не портится, не теряет своей...
I think you're on Polish soil. They'll take all the panes away.
I've got mine, I don't give a damn about the panhandlers.)
There are options. Buy the land, win the war for independence from the land, strengthen the lunar hryvnia.

Nothing is going to strengthen the hryvnia, because it requires raising production, agriculture and science, and no one is going to do that.

Well, and not to steal at least, and this is contrary to the Khohlya mentality.

Old... what are you... Donbas aren't people for you?)))
On the contrary, for me they are people who are all for Yo and whom I understand very well.
On the contrary, for me, they are just the kind of people who are all yo-yo and whom I understand perfectly.
OK... the moderator deleted the post very quickly...
OK... the moderator was too quick to delete the post...
Well, there's nothing serious you can say here - it's not fancy.
and with the plane... deleted... and what? Moderators... are you... can't we talk about anything?)))
and with the plane... deleted... and what? Moderators... are you... can't you talk about anything?)))
Go to the "Humor" thread. That's where you go.
Karputov Vladimir:
In Humour - that's where you flub.
So international politics, directly affecting the economy and the exchange rate, is that flub?
So international politics, directly affecting the economy and the exchange rate, is this flub?
This whole thread is 90% flub.