FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1544


For those who like to meditate))) the tank index...

A tapering triangle? That's what I thought.

Not for a fortnight, but for three months and it will not go up for at least half a year, with or without orders.

It will either stay in the 94-100 range or go down to 90.

Why not to 84?
Why not to 84?
On an 84 stand, don't, otherwise the swap will drip into another pocket.
A tapering triangle? That's what I thought.
Tapered triangle, you've got all kinds of crap in your brain.
You've got all kinds of bullshit shoved into your brains.
Well, you can call it that whatever you like.
What are the predictions for today's euR?
O! People are already out in the field )))
Alexey Busygin:
What are the forecasts for the eu today?
Fuck if I know). We'll see in an hour or so. But the target is at 05
Fuck if I know )) There'll be news in an hour - we'll see. But the target is 05.
Then we'll wait for the news.
Matrix - Моя мама варит кофе... Подождем мою маму?
Matrix - Моя мама варит кофе... Подождем мою маму?
  • 2009.07.04
Музыкальное видео матрица! Music video the matrix