FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1506


I really hope that the method of using the Gunn rays has become clearer to you.

The method is clear, but explain from which extrema you build the fan. Everything is clear and logical in the first screenshot, while everything below is just a dummy. What are the criteria for the selection of extrema to be built?
Strange, write to me about the moon. I have a feeling whoever is late on audi can win on the moon.
I don't need it either, it's not volatile.
I've been seeing devils and chasing them around the week, too. and they're talking about pools...

Nah, the dark pools are a different story, there are some.

The volumes of trades there are hidden to all but the participants.

That's why there is no point in discussing them.

Imagine another one, you see in realtime the opening and closing of positions. Interesting?)

We are laughing here Yusuf, but by its zoo from the indyuk, you can distinguish, the closing of positions, and a set of positions on M1-M5 - short-term trend of EURUSD


I know, I've seen it, I have doubts, too) OI is the number of positions in hand, but not their amount, and they seem to think that it is the amount)))

Well, I do not believe that the software gives results only at the end of trading, we give it then, that's true, but that's another issue), I am sure that the result there can be obtained at any time, in fact, I am sure that there is even a distribution of OM by price.

Well yes, and there is a cumulative amount after each trade, i.e. cumulative total from the beginning of the contract. How else?

To be honest, even if there is such information (distribution by levels), no one will put it out, because it is an insider, and it is criminally punishable.

I don't even need it, it's not volatile.
come on. it's as good as the audi. it'll blow half the depo off.... while you're pissing.
Anatoli Kazharski:

That's a yes. ))

Who can see the dark pools? Most members don't see them. It's like we're the unprivileged majority too. ))

So maybe all the good stuff is hidden. )

The topic of darkpools is very well covered by hrenfx. Go to the search engine and you'll find everything you need.
Alexey Busygin:
And what do we end up with, a rugged terrain of the collective farm. Where is the resistance, where is the support, where are the other trappings of glamorous life.

No one is forcing you to go cross-country. There are so many wide and smooth avenues leading to a glamorous life, sung in the commercials of various DCs...


The method is clear, but explain from which extrema you build the fan. The first screenshot is clear and logical, but everything below is just a straightforward Malevich. What are the criteria for identifying extrema to be built?
I've already explained everything... I just drew almost all rays (even unnecessary ones that will never be approached by the price), and as far as they are removed, only significant ones (passing close to the current price).

No one is forcing you to go cross-country. There are so many wide and flat avenues sung in the commercials of different DCs...


DTs are good as regulators, but when they're singing you'd better plug your ears like the Argonauts did when they sailed past the sirens.