FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1510

Alexey Busygin:

What has Mayan calendar got to do with it, it's from another sphere.

Maya is for the notion of the convention of dividing into intervals.

Alexey Busygin:

A minute ends at the end of every minute, five minutes, hour, day, month. But after all, a minute is a minute and an hour is an hour, each interval has its own time interval.

I wanted to comment, but I couldn't, I was choking on tears...

Alexey Busygin:

And a minute ends at the end of every minute, five minutes, hour, day, month. But after all, a minute is a minute, and an hour is an hour; each interval has its own time interval.

What does the Mayan calendar have to do with it?

Go to Renko and so on... listen)))
Alexey Busygin:

Just say you don't know, so why go straight to stupidity.

I'll tell you what I say always look at your terminal.
Vasya, did you even read what it says before you run off to write your answer?

Maya is for the notion of the convention of dividing into gaps.

I wanted to comment, I couldn't, tears are choking me...

Well, well look out, don't choke!

Maya is for the notion of the convention of dividing into gaps.

I wanted to comment, I couldn't, tears are choking me...

They don't get it, don't try)))
Nestradamus, let's troll)))
Nestradamus, let's troll)))
I can't, I'm hard today... yet...
I can't, I'm hard today...
Ask Idler for a jamison)))
Ask Idler for a jamison)))
There's a lot of liquor in the whisky... I could use some moonshine... good one...
There's a lot of liquor in the whisky... I could use a moonshine... good one...
Have some moonshine and let's troll for it))))))))))))))))))))))))))