FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1504


I really hope that the method of using the Gunn rays has become clearer to you.


well, why should i be responsible for audi. i told you all this nonsense will be turned together with the gold. and i came up with a normal target of 1060. what about the lunar

what about 3507 ???

Are you kidding me?

Tell me this is the first time you've seen anything like this...


Are you kidding me?

Tell me this is the first time you've seen anything like this...

Nah, it's me instead of Lesha, you can't get it from him)))

Lyosha, darling, your "method" has long been understood by most people here, go to the dustbin of history, there are a lot of guys lying around, trading according to it)))

I don't know, you tell me, I don't go to the dumps.
What about 3507?
what's that?
No, it's me instead of Lesha, because you can't get it from him)))
Well, that's a waste of time, they can't get rid of Taz... Ugh, Vaz won't get rid of it...
what's that?
I don't know...

I really hope that the method of using the Gunn rays has become clearer to you.

And what do we end up with, the rugged terrain of the kolkhoz light path. Where is the resistance, where is the support, where are the other trappings of glamorous life.
Alexey Busygin:
And what do we end up with, the rugged terrain of the kolkhoz light path. Where is the resistance, where is the support, where are the other trappings of glamorous life.

you go there, read it all and retell it here in your own words!!!

Программы и литература по методам торговли В.Д. Ганна - Gann.Su
Вильям Делберт Ганн родился 06 июня 1878 года в Lufkin, штат Техас. Его отец, Samuel Houston Gann, был учителем, торговал лошадьми и коровами. Он также владел небольшим биллиардным клубом. Его мать, Susan Rebecca Gann (в девичестве Trevation), посвящала все свое время воспитанию В.Д. Ганна и его младших братьев и сестер. Она научила молодого...