FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1434

Oleg Tsarkov:
The dogs are trying to chase the herd north, no use so far, they're closing up shop)
Wake up, the bears haven't been bent for almost a month. Let's go get the stops).

what are you talking about ?

on the forexbook, most of them have been in the longs for a long time.

but a couple more hours of this movement and all the longs will be closed
Oleg Tsarkov:
they are worth it, but a couple more hours of this kind of movement and all the longs will be closed

Exactly - about 100 pips to one side and the majority rolls over,

but why should the powers that be want to do this? to give money to the common man?


what are you talking about ?

on the forexbook most are in the longs for a long time.

Where, where is it?)))

Because I'm at 5/95%, buyers/sellers.

Информер открытых позиций » - Ваш путеводитель на рынке FOREX
Информер открытых позиций » - Ваш путеводитель на рынке FOREX
Первый информер отображает текущее соотношение открытых позиций среди разных брокеров, а второй - среднее значение открытых позиций по этим брокерам. Более подробно можно почитать в статье "Соотношение открытых позиций трейдеров на Forex", которая находится в разделе Секреты прибыльной торговли

Where, where is it?))

Because I'm 5/95%, buyers/sellers.

Tell me how you figured it out!!! Don't keep me in suspense!!!

Where, where is it?))

Because I'm at 5/95%, buyers/sellers.

You must have banks, but me and Zogman have a picture of mere mortals.

Tell me how you calculated it!!! Don't keep me in suspense!!!
One pity, I thought the euro would make it to the medium term reversal and this is another unloading again.
One pity, I thought the euro would make it to the medium term reversal and this is another unloading again.
So you were wrong? )))