FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1103

Tol, are you crazy?

Why should I freak out, I don't drink. )

But those who like to drink, it doesn't matter what they drink. In the best case, the roof is going slowly, loudly rustling with slates.

You don't even have to go far. Sometimes you can just look around or listen wherever you are. )))

Nah, the airport customs officers bring in 12.)

I like this drink better.

not for the sake of drunkenness, but for my health.)

The prohibition of wine is a law that counts
Who drinks, and when, and whether and with whom.
When all these caveats are met,

Drinking is a sign of wisdom, not a vice at all.


I like this drink better.

not for the sake of drinking, but for my health.)

I mean, you've had half a bottle already. And you must think the women in that picture are beautiful. )))

Banning wine is a law that counts
Who drinks, and when, and how much, and with whom.
When all these caveats are met,

Drinking is a sign of wisdom, not a vice at all.

That rhyme must have been invented by alcohol sales managers to enlarge the ranks of their clients. They have a key for almost anyone. A kind of psychological picklock. Social engineering. They know how. ;)

Anatoli Kazharski:

I mean, you've already got half a bottle. And the women in that picture must already look beautiful to you. )))

That poem must have been invented by liquor sales managers to add to their clientele. They have a key for almost anyone. A kind of psychological picklocks. Social engineering. They know how. ;)

1/3 of a scale, and you don't get it, you just get the blood cleaned

Omar Khayyam wrote this rube.


1/3rd of a scale, and not a stabbing, just a bloodwash

Omar Khayyam wrote this rubai.

So Omar wasn't wise enough either. As the saying goes, "Don't make an idol of yourself." ;)

Regarding blood washing:

Why drinking makes your nose blue.

Alcoholics are often referred to as 'bruisers'. They also say about a boozy drunkard: "Blue Nose", "On a Blue Wave". Where did these expressions come from? The reason for them was the fact that most alcoholics' noses eventually turn blue. The reason for the metamorphosis is that alcohol is a solvent. Once in the human body, it dissolves biological fats, namely, it dissolves the fatty coating of the red blood cells. As a result, they lose the electrical charge that caused them to repel each other. The red blood cells begin to clump together and form clusters. The more alcohol you drink, the bigger they get. These clusters begin to clog the small vessels, of which there are many, such as in the nose. That's why when you drink regularly, your nose changes its normal colour to blue. But the blue nose is not the worst consequence of alcohol abuse. The fact is that there are vessels not only in the nose, but also in the human brain. There are a total of 15 billion of them (there is a vessel for each neuron). Brain vessels are very small, so red blood cells can move through them only in one row. When the erythrocytes stick together, the vessel is clogged, and after a few minutes the neuron that fed it dies. Fifteen minutes after the ingestion of alcohol, mass neuronal death begins in the human brain...

Anatoli Kazharski:

So Omar wasn't wise enough either. As the saying goes: "Do not make an idol of yourself." ;)

On the subject of bloodwashing:

Lab work.

You put three test tubes on the table.

In the first one, a chicken egg was broken and a fly larva was placed.

In the second one, alcohol was poured and a fly larvawas put.

in the third, we put nicotine and a fly larva.

In the first test tube a worm grew out of the larva.

in the second and third vials the larva died.

Conclusion: if you don't drink and smoke, you get worms in the eggs.

"So Omar wasn't wise enough" - don't judge, and you won't be judged.


Happy birthday, Idler!

Good health and love from your children and grandchildren!)


Laboratory work

three test tubes were placed on the table

in the first one, a chicken egg was broken and a fly larva was placed

the second one was filled with alcohol and a fly larva wasput in

in the third, we put nicotine and a fly larva.

In the first test tube a worm grew out of the larva.

in the second and third vials the larva died.

Conclusion: if you don't drink and smoke, you get worms in the eggs.

No. That's not the conclusion it's supposed to be. It's probably just a joke. ))))

Conclusion: If one drinks and smokes, one will die like a maggot. And the worms will come afterwards. ;)


"So Omar wasn't wise enough" - don't judge, and you won't be judged.

It has nothing to do with judgement. It is not the same thing as judging. )

Anatoli Kazharski:

No. That's not what the conclusion should be. It's just an anecdote, I guess. ))))

Conclusion: If one drinks and smokes, one will die just like a maggot. And the worms will come afterwards. ;)

We are all going to die, so take ALL of life today, there may not be a tomorrow