FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 438


Good luck everyone and have a nice chat with this creep!


Unpleasant to read.

Mansur, they are boiling over because you have a steady income at the expense of the bot. And they haven't quite got there yet, and they're pissed)))), spit on everything!
In the 21st century, it is not good to trade with hands ... Many will confirm it!
Roman Busarov:

Beautiful post facto!!! +100501!


It's not a full moon tonight :)

What did Eidler say? I'd listen, he's been sitting on metals for a long time.
Dangerous! You could catch your boy's cold. I'm sitting in a chair, for instance. With my skin...

Well, if you need help, I've got a doctor for manly business.

No, I haven't - I don't have time to read the whole thread now, I saw the classic triangle and thought I'd give it a go...

There are plenty of triangles on the market too - try it


I had the same - blew out my boo

Rebooted at 1.552.

I shouldn't have put the boo in.

but I was very much under the impression it would go to 1.54

I had it yesterday too - had to call my girlfriends - they took my boo out

wonder if the old one will hit the ten today ? will the pound go back to 1.56 ?

Finger in the...hole only the Old One can hit... shut up the sand that's coming down.

I, for example, have Ivan, who can hit the fangs very accurately.

where was your moose hanging out?

I'm telling you, tomorrow only you will tell me about your levels, today you need a picture and you don't have one.

My moose likes to wander around the track, smashing cars.
Vladimir Zubov:
I'm still boring bots, I don't have the patience for much hand trading, although it takes more time for coding, but it's more interesting.
To each his own. I am tormenting the girls. I can't do it with my hand.