FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 268

YusufKhoja is lost somewhere. There should be a graphic forecast from him by now...
Как лодку назовешь... так она и поплывет)))
Придумали же уже - Икар. Дело за Сенсеем...

Whatever you call the boat... that's how it sails)))
They already came up with Icarus. It's up to Sensei...
The emaciated Icarus...
Certainly not Legend, then. How about Hercules?
Legend (R) is already taken, stop being cheeky! Just mentioned the theory of the market, as immediately appears (after some time) the branch with the same name - Fakir Dula of the animal lover and money lover (and all fellow countrymen). No one is embarrassed about anything - shitting in the road
Roman Busarov:
nah... too pathetic.
Speed Diving Champion! - You're not interested, are you?
Legend (R) - already taken, stop being cheeky! Just mentioned market theory here, as immediately a branch of the same name appears (after a while) - Fakir Dula of the animal lover and money lover (and all fellow countrymen). No one is shy about anything - shitting in the road
Go kick them all, YOU'RE THE ONE!!!
Exhausted Icarus...

HE also had a Lown-mower. ) Google translates it as Lawn-mower. HE must have meant to call it Lawn-mower, but got it wrong...

Twice. )))

Legend (R) - already taken, stop being cheeky! Just mentioned the theory of the market, as immediately appears (after some time) the branch of the same name - Fakir Dula animal lover and money (and all countrymen). No one is embarrassed about anything - shitting in the road

I told you Legend @ Ltd ! Well that's not a bad name for exhaustion. I've had a screenshot ready for a while now:

Anatoli Kazharski:

HE also had a Lown-mower. ) Google translates it as Lawn-mower. HE must have meant to call it Lawn-mower, but got it wrong...

Twice. )))

rich little bourgeois... just a pity that virtually, at the very beginning, so to speak...

I told you Legend @ Ltd ! Well, that's not a bad name for exhaustion. I've had a screenshot ready for a while now:

egyptian culture.... not.... not...
Anatoli Kazharski:

HE also had a Lown-mower. ) Google translates it as Lawn-mower. HE must have meant to call it Lawn-mower, but got it wrong...

Twice. )))

Yes it can be simple downSensei))))