FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1136

Alexey Busygin:
It may really be the stock, then we can predict that the price will go up to $120 per barrel in the middle of next year.
And many people had the opportunity to take it on the bottom, a couple of months ago, they could do 100% of the deposit.
Server Muradasilov:
But many had the opportunity to take it up to the last minute. A couple of months ago, they could have made more than 100% of the deposit.

Yes it was, the cat might have thought to go in to buy. And now there will not be a sharp increase.

When Putin says something, they should be more serious and when Medvedev says something, they should do the opposite.

What are we talking about? The price of oil cannot depend entirely on one Arab country. The price is a conspiracy. The USSR collapsed because of collusion. In fact, the price has not been dictated by the market for a long time. Maybe we haven't seen the bottom yet).
What are we talking about? The price of oil cannot depend entirely on one Arab country. The price is a conspiracy. The USSR collapsed because of collusion. In fact, the price has not been dictated by the market for a long time. Maybe we haven't seen the bottom yet).
No one is saying it is dependent on an Arab country but God only knows how much they pumped out and sold for next to nothing.
What are we talking about? The price of oil cannot depend entirely on one Arab country. The price is a conspiracy. The USSR collapsed because of collusion. In fact, the price has not been dictated by the market for a long time. Maybe we have not seen the bottom yet.)
Who will work at a loss, most oil companies stand on credit despite their exorbitant profits when the price is good?
Server Muradasilov:
Who would work at a loss, most oil companies stand on loans in spite of their sky-high profits when prices are good?
All loans are in dollars as before and so are the payments. The Soviet Union was dumped under the guarantees of the state department. The Americans could easily repeat the story. Don't you guys want trouble, a colour revolution, blockades and the igil? Of course this is a temporary phenomenon, but at the price of 15 bucks there will be a revolution and beggars in Russia.
All loans are in dollars as before, so are settlements. The USSR was screwed under the State Department's guarantees. The Americans could easily repeat this theme. Don't you guys want problems, a coloured revolution, a blockade, the igil? Sure, it is a temporary phenomenon, but at 15 bucks, there will be a revolution and beggars in Russia.
If it costs 15 quid, no country can withstand it for long, and revolution will engulf the entire planet, including the U.S.
Server Muradasilov:
15 quid, no country can hold out for long, revolution will engulf the whole planet, including the U.S.
If the USA does not pay, there will be no revolution. No matter who is in power, be it a dictator or a tyrant.
Server Muradasilov:
15 quid, no country can withstand it for long, the revolution will engulf the whole planet, including the U.S.
For the USA, it will be a feast. Moreover, it is no problem for them to print a couple of trillion dollars worth of paper. The rate should just keep an eye on the exchange rate and wait for the next trillion to be deposited in stockings, flats and wagons. The dollar is the most frightening force of all!
Alexey Busygin:
If the SCA does not pay, there will be no revolution. It does not matter who is in power, be it a dictator or a tyrant.
They do not have the same weight as before, they will create a counterbalance currency, and the countries that are fed up with this hegemony, it is a godsend.