FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 54

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There are indications that the currencies that come off the printing presses of the Fed, the ECB and the other central banks of the Six are not different monetary units, but a single currency. After all, if there are stable proportions of exchange between the euro, the US dollar, the British pound sterling, the yen, the Swiss franc and the Canadian dollar, they are no longer different currencies, but different modifications of a single world currency.
I wonder how people trade long and medium term then...
Evgeniya gave interesting links, Strange made a mistake and called me a woodpecker for it, that's the whole point of the discussion, it has nothing to do with trade.
But what Evgeniya gave is interesting -
There are indications that the currencies that come off the printing presses of the Fed, ECB and the rest of the "six" central banks are not different monetary units, but a single currency. After all, if there are stable proportions of exchange between the euro, the US dollar, the British pound sterling, the yen, the Swiss franc and the Canadian dollar, then these are no longer different currencies, but different modifications of a single world currency.
I have in fact written many times about the fact that there is a synchronism in the course of currencies and I have been criticized by Strange many times again,
which does not negate the advantages of Strenge as a tough trader (no irony).
I looked at both links. Let's keep it simple.
In european exchangers, how much and what is worth - have you ever wondered about that? The answer - there are two decimal places, and in different banks differently, one-hundredths of decimal places. The answer is no one. That's why Forex is a game and almost no one understands the rules. In this regard, there is no need to worry your brain about it. One thing is Forex spread (in essence a lure), another thing is the spread of the bank - from 500 to 1000 pips of ours... The bank spread is the difference between buying and selling, the forex spread is asc-bid. It's hilarious, isn't it? Well, how many years people torture themselves with the question - how to win, not realizing that the answer is very simple - no way! And how much money does the market need to move the rate through the exchange, in the specially designated FX section? It throws a certain amount of dough (for example, in December 2016), and the rate went up, and then withdraws it and the rate went up again. Romance ))))
The answer is simple.
The Central Bank does not print quid, but how does it keep the ruble from falling?
It enters the market by selling quid in exchange for roubles.
Where does it get the quid from? Some from its reserves, and if not enough, then from the reserves or some kind of stabilization fund. And these "entries" are visible.
Therefore, to trade crosses according to Strange's method (or something similar) - is unreal (or very painful).
After all, any change of crosses audio/ruble occurs not because the Central Bank sells audio in exchange for ruble, but because this same cross is calculated through the quid.
Why trade the same, making it twice as difficult (to calculate audi/bucks and the buck/ruble separately and then find audi/ruble)?
let me summarise what happened - i asked questions - i didn't get anything meaningful from eugenia... but got a bunch of posts - style
1) only an idiot doesn't know this
2) when you start digging it out - it turns out that they don't know shit and those little bits that they do know are wrong
3) when it becomes clear hide behind "well, we are too lazy to explain".
The questions are as follows
1) does the ECB intervene in the currency (especially buying dollar for dollar) (I think not, rank thinks yes)
1a) Now the euro is falling, the bank thinks the ECB is supporting it.
2) Does the ECB have USD?
3) Does the IMs accumulate a position
4) Are MMs the same "smart-big money" that moves the market
(this question is motivated by the fact that the material around the ACA (which likes strange) is based on this assumption )
5) how much volume is needed to move the price by Xpc
if anyone thinks they understand - would be interesting to hear - but no ponzi - with ponzi, "i'm exhausted", "google it" - fuck off,
My bosses at work are more into Forex than all of you and have worked in major Western banks - they can't give a fuck... they can't explain,
i don't think anyone can.
let me summarise what happened - I asked questions - I didn't get anything meaningful from Eugenia... but I got a bunch of posts - style
...............There's a cool movie - "Go and See" by three letters - "SME". How to watch it - I've got practically everything laid out in detail in the post above. I should say at once that I have been working with the program for 3 months to analyze CME and the conclusions are not taken out of my hand. That is why almost no one can explain it on the fingers, the calculation is oh-so-huge. How Strange manages it with his hands, I do not understand. Perhaps he is using something else and has already put in a good word for you about the ninja.
If anyone thinks he understands - it would be interesting to listen - but without the pompous, "I'm exhausted", "google it" - fuck you,
I have bosses at work who are more into Forex than all of you and have worked in major Western banks - they can't give a fuck... they can't explain,
i don't think anyone can.
There is a cool movie - "Come and See" with three letters - "SME". How to watch - I have higher in the post almost everything is set out in detail. I'll tell you right away that I've been working on this program for 3 months and the conclusions are not just out of thin air.
I asked in black and white - those who post stupid posts like "I know everything but won't say anything" or "see laugh - it's all there" can go fuck themselves...
if you can't explain it, don't post it.
Rena, you should take a look at rebate for MM - maybe you would do it - mmwb pays 20K a month for a MM tool - and there are plenty of instruments, others do it worse than you, eh? ))))
xrenfx would explain - but he's not here).
Well, we'll just have to do it ourselves...
I asked in black and white - those who post stupid posts like "I know everything but won't say anything" or "look at the laughs - it's all there" can go fuck themselves...
If you can't explain it, don't write it.
Well, we'll just have to do it ourselves...
He works with his glass! Forest - flies - glass.
I've been trying to get a feel for volumes, futures, and options for two years, but so far, the only opinion is the same! No one is able to show you the real volumes and orders, especially in real time! A big buck may exit the market at any time!
It's all bullshit! It's purposeful misinformation and misdirection.