FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 17


Any bets, will the pound jump to 5720 today?)

Yeah, Sensei refused to warm up and I'm all for him(

i'm sorry, what is this pair? i don't know any other pairs except the eurobucks :(

Any bets, will the pound jump to 5720 today?)

Yeah, Sensei refused to warm up, and I'm all for it(

How did you figure it out on your own?
How did you work that out for yourself?
Thanks :) I really didn't know, I get them mixed up.

Place your bets, will the pound pop out today at 5720?)

IMHO no.


But as far as Strange is concerned it may pop up, imho I would look at all pairs in total - and the question is if the quid is going up or down, I think for the main pair we should go down once more and only then everything will go up against the quid - speculation is a penny - I know, but it is obvious that pairs often go in sync however Strange may call it a bullshit


IMHO no.

Yeah that's clear, when I bought a 5350 they also said no)

IMHO no.


But as far as the rank is concerned - maybe it will pop out, imho I would look at all pairs in total - and the question is if the quid is going up or down, it seems to me that on the main pair we should go down once more and only then everything will go up against the quid - a bit of a stretch - I know, but it is obvious that pairs often go in sync no matter how much the rank calls it a bullshit.

I do not understand why one has to watch all pairs, they all move differently, there is a general direction but the difference is a few figures. That is why I do not understand Ilya, who watches them all, what is the point in it, take two or three and trade.

well, if you believe the trend :/


well, if you believe the trend :/

The teacher is right about one thing, there are no trends, look at the same pound - there is a range there, or any other instrument.
I think the pound will close around 56, audi around 74.