Windows 10 - page 13

How do you do it?

To bring back the familiar icons and sizes of everything in the MT5 interface after upgrading to Windows 10:

1. Right click on the screen and press "screen settings".

2. At the very bottom there is "Advanced Screen Settings", press it.

3. At the bottom of the page select "Advanced resizing of text and other elements".

4. Select "Set a customizable zoom level".

5. There in the % you choose the most similar settings to those on the eight.

Personally, that's how I got it to be similar to what I had before I switched to 10.

Gennadiy Stanilevych:

To bring back the familiar icons and sizes of everything in the MT5 interface after upgrading to Windows 10:

1. Right click on the screen and press "screen parameters".

2. At the very bottom there is "Advanced Screen Settings", press it.

3. At the bottom of the page select "Advanced resizing of text and other elements".

4. Select "Set a customizable zoom level".

5. There in the % you choose the most similar settings to those on the eight.

Personally, that's how I got it to be similar to what I had before upgrading to 10.

Thank you

Is there any hidden settings to make the taskbar and the header pane a familiar light blue colour inspiring positivity and joie de vivre instead of the default obscurantism?

MetaTester 5 Agents Manager works - agents connect to the cloud and receive/execute tasks.
I have a problem. Moved the terminal folder to a windows 10 machine. Turns out the files are saved to the system drive in a directory like C:\Users\milro\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\F2860B16D039D6CFABA92053F4B1ACFF\MQL5\Files

This is despite the fact that the folder with the terminal itself is located on another disk - and I need the files to be written there as well.But when reading a file, the program accesses MQL5\Files folder by default - as it should be.

I've tried something likeFileOpen( "\\Files\\\TEST.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN|FILE_SHARE_READ); - still no file is created. Maybe someone knows what my problem might be?

I have a problem. Moved the terminal folder to a windows 10 machine. Turns out the files are being saved to the system drive in a directory like C:\Users\milro\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\F2860B16D039D6CFABA92053F4B1ACFF\MQL5\Files

This is despite the fact that the folder with the terminal itself is located on another disk - and I need the files to be written there as well.But when reading a file, the program accesses MQL5\Files folder by default - as it should be.

I've tried something likeFileOpen( "\\Files\\\TEST.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN|FILE_SHARE_READ); - still no file is created. Maybe someone knows what my problem might be?

I think the /portable switch might help.
Thanks..../portable key ...I don't understand what it hard...still don't get it)
Thanks....the /portable key ... I don't understand what it is... google it... I still don't get it)

see here with pictures

don't care about flashcards, the only thing that matters is the fact that the terminal folder is not standard

Как установить Metatrader 4 на флешку
Как установить Metatrader 4 на флешку
Всем привет. Бывают такие ситуации, когда торговый терминал нужен на съемном носителе. Например, если вы раз в пару месяцев куда-то ездите и берете с собой отдельный «дорожный» ноутбук, украдкой проверяете позиции на работе или просто боитесь, что кто-то из домашних залезет к вам в терминал на компьютере и что-нибудь испортит. И если в старых...
Thank you very much! I'll have a look. Also wrote to servicedesk just in case.

It all worked out! Thank you!

In Internet Explorer 11.0.10240.16431

Update version 11.0.22 (KB3078071) this code:

CControlsDialog ExtDialog;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create application dialog
//--- run application
//--- succeed
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy dialog

Has this nasty look to it:


Clearly there is either a loss of style or the styles for the code are not applied.