There is no point in using indicators if they lag behind. - page 5


There is a science of DSP (digital signal processing), so you are right and this could be the simplest filter. There are different DSP algorithms, simple and complex, and there are people who have made very big contributions to science, their algorithms are usually very complex, one such scientist is Kalman

he's made a very big contribution to control theory (anyone who's seen the formulas knows). You can control an aeroplane, a car, a ship etc and in our case you can control an account. There are mathematical principles (formulas, calculations, mathematical proof) that show the optimal control, how it must be implemented, what information you need to have...

Many traders start re-inventing the wheel, looking for different variants and combinations of indicators (paternas, etc.). They are like blind kittens wondering if something will work out ... I'm not saying it's a dead end (it may work), this road is long and thorny.

There is, there is... What am I arguing if it's my specialty... I'm telling you a simple example ... If you understand Kalman formula, it is not very applicable to forex unlike the principle of noise elimination.

If you add a step to your indicator, i.e. the principle is not i++ but i=i+step, compare the result, and then talk about blind kittens.

How will the MDI help to make money? Tomorrow will be EURUSD between 0.5 -1.5. with a probability of 0.99. How to earn?))
To make money you have to work hard.

There is a science of DSP (digital signal processing), so you are right and this could be the simplest filter. There are different DSP algorithms, simple and complex, and there are people who have made very big contributions to science, their algorithms are usually very complex, one such scientist is Kalman

he's made a very big contribution to control theory (anyone who's seen the formulas knows). You can control an aeroplane, a car, a ship etc and in our case you can control an account. There are mathematical principles (formulas, calculations, mathematical proof) that show the optimal control, how it must be implemented, what information you need to have...

Many traders start re-inventing the wheel, looking for different variants and combinations of indicators (paternas, etc.). They are like blind kittens wondering if something will work out ... I do not claim that this is a dead end (it may work), this road is long and thorny.

To make money you need others to lose. There is no other way)) Everything here is tough.

Indicators need to show the play of others in order to heat them up sometimes


To make money, you need others to lose. Otherwise there is no other way)) It's tough here.

Indicators need to show the play of others in order to heat them up sometimes

it's already in the price. As the saying goes, price is what is needed and enough is enough.

To make money, you need others to lose. Otherwise there is no other way)) It's tough here.

Indicators must show the game of others, so that they get warm sometimes

And there's a lot of leakage here...

I'm glad you're learning something new. A little earlier you said there are no prediction algorithms, they do not exist. But it turns out there are, and there are indicators that do not lag....

I personally think the main thing for me is the forecast and its accuracy, I do not care who will lose.)


If you don't understand who's losing money in the market, you're losing it. (c) Buffett sort of thing))

"If you don't know who's a sucker at the table, you're the sucker." ) (c) wasn't looking for

Edge either is or isn't, it's stupid to divide tools into indicators, forecasters, algorithms etc. Especially if you have one ))

And if a diving plane of 20 tonnes suddenly takes off with 5 tonnes of flies, will its trajectory change?

I do, I do... What am I arguing, if that's my specialty... I'm telling you a simple example... If you understand the Kalman formula, it is not very applicable to forex as opposed to the principle of noise elimination.

In your indicator introduce the step, i.e. the principle i=i+step instead of i++, compare the obtained result, and only then tell me about blind kittens.

If you are studying DSP and trying to apply your knowledge, you are definitely not a blind kitten .... You know how these abbreviations FNF, EFF, FIR, IBR are not empty words and you know how these strange letters (for many people) are combined with well-known indicators SMA, EMA, FATL, SATL and so on. And you have the knowledge of how to build them correctly and determine the optimal parameters, leaving aside the stupid optimization (fitting) on the history...

You have the advantage, the knowledge, use it...

And if in a diving plane weighing 20 tonnes, suddenly 5 tonnes of flies take off, will its trajectory change?
Of course it would.
Of course.
Of course, of course. The AFC will tell you. It won't change, you can ask Vladislav.