Market prediction based on macroeconomic indicators - page 24

Олег avtomat:

It is correct to say that there are many reasons, but they do not want to see them. They don't want to show it, so they retouch it.

Speaking of reasons for questioning... ;)

If, in your opinion, there are no reasons for the fall, then why did the indices go down? No reason? Did they just fall like that for no reason?

Or is there still a reason, but it's being kept quiet? Then why?

There are many questions. These are just on the surface.

And maybe just scared to sound like a nubom, so we keep quiet about the reasons.

But then you voice in all seriousness the reason and immediately open an umbrella from rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes :)

I agree with gpwr, there is no fundamental reason for the US market to go down, except for the bubble in the stock market (but science is silent about it).

ZZZY and probably it will not be pierced at all and will be deflated smoothly.

Nikolay Demko:

Or maybe we're just scared of sounding like a nub, so we keep quiet about the reasons.

Otherwise, if you say in all seriousness the reason and immediately open an umbrella from rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes :)

I agree with gpwr, there is no fundamental reason for the US market to go down, except for the bubble in the stock market (but science is silent about it).

ZZZY and it is possible that it will not be pierced at all but will deflate smoothly.

Nonsense... And how many times has it happened that "non-nubs" have admitted to having causes, but post-factum -- such "non-nubs" are afraid to be seen as "nubs"... Bullshit.

There is a fact -- the indices are down. That fact is already a consequence. Sooner or later the hidden (or hidden?) reasons will be unmasked, only then they will be labeled as "fundamental factors".

My contention is that the decline will continue.

As for the "noubs" - "non-noubs", I don't give a damn.

Олег avtomat:

Nonsense... And how many times has it happened that "non-nubs" admit to having a reason, but post factum -- such "non-nubs" are afraid to be seen as "nubs"... Bullshit.

There's a fact -- the indexes are down. That fact is a consequence. Sooner or later the hidden (or hidden?) reasons will come to light, but they will be called "fundamental factors".

My contention is that the decline will continue.

As for the "noubs" - "non-noubs", I don't give a damn.

Good, so why don't you give me a reason?

This is a forum for discussion.

Nikolay Demko:

Good, so why don't you give me a reason?

This is a forum for discussion.

Do you want to know the one and only reason?


Олег avtomat:

It would be more correct to say so : There are many reasons, but they do not want to see them. They don't want to show it, so they retouch it.

Speaking of reasons for questioning... ;)

If, in your opinion, there is no reason for the fall, then why did the indices go down? No reason? Did they just fall like that for no reason?

Or there are reasons, but they do not mention them...? Why then?

There are many questions. These are just on the surface.

Dmitry2015.08.08 19:19

It is much simpler - look at your picture of the SP500 - it is a bubble inflated by low rates. Something needs to be done about it - like any stock market bubble it will burst with a big bang.

Raising rates is the only way forward

Regarding predicting the SP500 - it can be accurately predicted if you have quantitative data on the QE programme

P.S. Read the classics.

Dmitry2015.08.08 19:19

It is much simpler than that - look at your picture of the SP500 - it is a bubble inflated by low interest rates. Something needs to be done about it - like any stock market bubble it will burst with a big bang.

Raising rates is the only way forward

Regarding predicting the SP500 - it can be accurately predicted if you have quantitative data on the QE programme

P.S. Read the classics.

yes, yes... Put a base for reasoning - that's what the "classics" will teach you.


Олег avtomat:

Do you want to know the one and only reason?


Well, at least the first in terms of priorities.

ZS You understand that if you don't look into the reasons, it's all blah-blah-blah (grow/decline coffee grounds guessing, only blind faith requires no proof).

gpwr at least counts something out there, I don't know what, but I don't see the point in bullshit on his part. Calculation is at least some justification. From our side (if there is no calculation, at least) the logical constructions (this and that have happened, it follows that.)

Олег avtomat:

yes, yes... to put a basis for reasoning - that's what the 'classics' will teach you.


This post of mine was written on August 8
Nikolay Demko:
Well at least the first in terms of priorities.

The US is steadily losing its political weight, degenerating -- and this process is accelerating. --- that's the main reason.

The QE programme, with its injection of paper into circulation, is cited as an important factor here. But that is not a solution in the long run. It's more like an eye wash. Like a poultice for the dead.

Look at the SP chart -- the slowdown has been clearly visible since early 2014. And now it has entered a downward acceleration phase.

Speaking of which, it would be interesting to chart the points when these QE injections 1,2,3 were made. I don't remember those dates. But if you tell me, I'll put them on the chart -- let's see what the response to them was. And what were the differences in response to each of them.

This post of mine was written on 8 August
Different story then.