FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2105

Yes, he explains it correctly, and what exactly was the situation at that time I don't know. Such figures are a dime a dozen, especially on small timeframes (to the day).
Do you believe in MM in the currency market?
Pound has flaccid schizophrenia... should be treated at the time of the exacerbation.
Flaccid schizophrenia is what most people here have. What about the pound, specifically, what to do?)

Yesterday I was hearing about Iran, like they would lift sanctions and allow access to accounts if they actually shut down their nuclear programme. Our guys were cheering that Iran would double its oil production if sanctions were lifted and that oil had already fallen below 57 on this super news. Looked it up, above 58. I think what will happen or the U.S. Congress will not ratify the treaty or something, oil cannot fall now))).

That's the news, the bare facts, no "what ifs...".

P.S. About "ours". The clearest example of retardation, they are glad when oil goes down, not realizing that it means the dollar will grow and their own economy will deteriorate.

Нефть дорожает на ожиданиях более позднего возвращения Ирана на рынок
Нефть дорожает на ожиданиях более позднего возвращения Ирана на рынок
  • 2015.07.14
МОСКВА, 14 июл — РИА Новости/Прайм. Мировые цены на нефть перешли к росту во вторник на ожиданиях аналитиков, что возвращение иранской нефти на мировой рынок произойдет не раньше следующего года, свидетельствуют данные торгов. По состоянию на 19.37 мск стоимость августовских фьючерсов на североморскую смесь Brent росла на 0,83% — до 58,68...
Sluggish schizophrenia is what most attendees have in mind. And about the pound more concretely - what to do).

I would recommend waiting for the RSI breakout beyond 30/70 and moving towards the breakout.

Well, being in a short myself means you will have to dream of a move down.

Do you believe in MM in the currency market?

what is the issue with someone manipulating the market to beat the "crowd" or not the crowd but generally those who are stupid???

they shouldn't manipulate the market at all - the dude says "smart money" I think that's more accurate.

Do you believe in MM in the currency market?

Vasily, who is the MM on the euro?

Wouldn't it be strange if they weren't))))))))))))))))

Believe it or not. In the church, or what? )))))

Vasili, who is the MM on the euro?

question is a question.

the answer is written here in the FAQ - but I think it's superficial.


what is the issue with someone manipulating the market to beat the "crowd" or not the crowd but generally those who are stupid???

mm - market makers - they shouldn't be manipulating the market at all - dude over there says "smart money" i think that's more accurate

The question is pure MM - liquidity providers. I don't believe that forex needs artificial liquidity.

Vasily, who is the MM on the euro?

Wouldn't it be strange if they weren't))))))))))))))))

Believe it or not. In a church or something? )))))

What are they for and who pays them?
Sluggish schizophrenia is what most attendees have. And about the pound - what to do?)
Good afternoon ... And what advice would you give?