FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2107


Anyway, the same song, who didn't have time to sell the euro, it's not my fault, I went short on it

and everyone who sells the quid is going to get spanked

The guy writes

At 1.1000 there is an offer, this offer is removed from the market and the sellers' stops at 1.1017. If the assumption is correct, the momentum should go behind 1.1017, or somewhere around it. I will try to sell with a short stop.

all people are saying the Euro should go down ...

all of them - so they are right ...



man writes

At 1.1000 there is a supply, slowly this proposal is removed from the market updating the minimums, the sellers' stops at 1.1017. If the assumption is correct, the impulse should go behind 1.1017, or somewhere in this area. I will try to sell with a short stop.

something all the people are telling the euro to go down...

just about everyone - and what if they are right ...


Look at the price spikes upwards to attract buyers, what would that be about ...

Of course I admit that there might be another ploy, to short the sellers and then bail them out hard (as an option, nothing more)

Инвесторы нарастили наличные средства до максимума
Инвесторы нарастили наличные средства до максимума
Объем наличных средств в портфелях инвесторов по всему миру увеличился до наивысшего уровня за период с кризиса 2008 г., составив 5,5%, сообщает Reuters со ссылкой на результаты июльского опроса BofA Merrill Lynch.

Same song, who did not have time to sell the euro, it is not my fault, I went short on it

And everyone who sells the quid, will be spanked.

Maybe we should go short?


How about the diverter?

Yes, both the diverter and the seams on the trousers will shrink, are you prepared to withstand the drawdown?

the pound is about to be ripe for a short, get ready.)

Pound long to close ?
Trouble when you don't have your own solutions
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Trouble when you don't have your own solutions
So tell me)))) or is it the Toad?)

Look at the price spikes upwards to attract buyers, what would that be about...

i dont understand it yet. of course i admit that there may be another trick to bait sellers on the shorts and then bail them out hard (as an option, nothing more)

Give me an interpretation of that impulse.

i've been watching various youtube videos yesterday in the vein of "understanding smart money moves and playing follow-the-money"

but I haven't really gotten into it yet.

So tell me)))) or do you have a greedy tooth?)
I am waiting for the news on the pound, there will be seen, 1.5750 will sell so I think, what a toad is the only place where it is not)) on the yen I buy
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Yesterday I was hearing about Iran, like they would lift sanctions and allow access to accounts if they actually shut down their nuclear programme. Our guys were cheering that Iran would double its oil production if sanctions were lifted and that oil had already fallen below 57 on this super news. Looked it up, above 58. I think what will happen or the U.S. Congress will not ratify the treaty or something, oil cannot fall now))).

That's the news, the bare facts, no "what ifs...".

P.S. About "ours". The clearest example of retardation, they are happy about the "fall" of oil, not realizing that it means the growth of the dollar and the deterioration of the economic situation in their own country.

Iran's share in global oil production is 3-4%.

Even during the sanctions, Iran was quietly selling its oil to the Chinese and bartering with Russia.

Let these "experts" explain on their fingers how a granny with 10 kg of potatoes can bring down the price of potatoes in the entire market))))))