I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 28

The contractor can, of course, as a gesture of goodwill, transfer the amount of the commission to the developer, but it is still a voluntary decision. Of course, the contractor can, as a gesture of goodwill, transfer the amount of the fee to the developer after his refusal, but it is still his voluntary decision and no contract can help here.

If the contractor agrees in writing to pay the cancellation fee, there is no point of dispute and the tribunal should logically approve it... There is no need to block the executor's funds, he is not going anywhere early. )


In fact, I have been to many arbitrations in my life (real ones). And this arbitration (yours) does not look like a normal arbitration, at least both parties are heard, but you have not even asked my opinion when making a decision.

It looks more like arbitration than arbitration.

And no one prevents you to appeal on the issue in "real" arbitration or court. ) And it seems that the court's ruling will be a precedent here and the methinks will be obliged to enforce it in all such situations).
And no one is stopping you from taking the matter to "real" arbitration or a court. )
Go straight to the debt collectors ...
And no one is stopping you from appealing to a "real" arbitration or court on this issue. ) And apparently the court ruling will be a precedent here and the methaquots will be obliged to enforce it in all such situations).
Do you really think that you can sue for $5? Name a court (in terms of territory) where you can sue the metaquotas? So there are two impossibilities at once.
Of course it is an interesting story, but everyone and the writer will get their legal fees (for posts, for threads) on Monday, of course everyone is quiet about it and gets dividends from the Metakvot, and everyone somehow forgets that they do not go to Tula with their samovar! Renat has lined up everything to make it part of the rules. We have the most honest and incorruptible "fighters for justice" here.kylinar2012 is sick of you - you have already worked for five dollars (you will get it on Monday).
Of course it is an interesting story, but everyone and the writer will get their legal fees (for posts, for threads) on Monday, of course everyone is quiet about it and gets dividends from the Metakvot, and everyone somehow forgets that they do not go to Tula with their samovar! Renat has lined up everything to make it part of the rules. We have the most honest and incorruptible "fighters for justice" here.kylinar2012 is sick of you - you have already worked for five dollars (you will get it on Monday)!
Deep lick.
Deep lick.

Did I write it wrong? In your case, you will get it for the hedgehog and the bear, of course the altruistic Metaquots work for a thank you :) I'll pay you and me on Monday, isn't that right?

PS. I have heard from you more than once that you are for justice but you do not like freeloaders!

Dear forum users, if you want justice, be justice itself first! (And don't try to saw off the branch you sit on.

Of course it's an interesting story - but everyone and the topikaster will get their legal fees (for posts, for threads) on Monday everyone is quiet about it and gets their dividends from Metakvot, and everyone somehow forget that they do not go to Tula with their samovar! Renat has lined up everything to make it part of the rules. We have the most honest and incorruptible "fighters for justice" here.kylinar2012 is sick of you - you have already worked for five dollars (you will get it on Monday).

If you think that I started this thread to get money from you, then you are a complete and utter failure. The concepts of morality, honour and justice are meaningless to you. I don't need your handouts, don't transfer anything.

And pay in general - that the resource was something - something to do (content), I will not explain the wisdom of maintaining the site. And with it you get dozens of times more. Do you want to discuss and argue about it?


If you think that I started this thread to get money from you, then you are a complete and utter failure. The concepts of morality, honour and justice are meaningless to you. I don't need your handouts, don't transfer anything.

A pay in general - that the resource was something - something to do (content), I will not explain the wisdom of maintaining the site. And with it you get dozens of times more. Do you want to discuss and argue about it?

Do not get excited.

The server here is just a user like you or me, i.e. a nobody.

He does not speak for the administration.


If you think that I started this thread to get money from you, then you are a complete and utter failure. The concepts of morality, honour and justice are meaningless to you. I don't need your handouts, don't transfer anything.

And pay in general - that the resource was something - something to do (content), I will not explain the wisdom of maintaining the site. And with it you get dozens of times more. Do you want to discuss and argue about it?

I personally do not list anything - much less handouts ! If you are not satisfied with the Metakvot (any action - no matter what) that prevents you from delete your account, and look for altruists elsewhere! I'm just like you - a regular forum user - like thousands of people here, and you are just a typical troll, whose questions have already been answered by representatives of the Metakvot . That's what prevents you from leaving here when everything is explained to you, what keeps you here? But you stubbornly continue to support this thread, any other dissatisfied person - would simply get his on Monday - and not come back here! But you seem to have other goals on this forum