Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 286

Ilnur Khasanov:

+ kek

Tell me your real experience in bitcoins.

Read the thread first, I think there are stats there, + there was a signal (monitoring at the local signal service) publicly available.

And here if interesting signal on small things, I was testing arbitrage between exchanges. Someone even managed to subscribe )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Read the branch first, I think there are stats there, + there was a signal (monitoring at the local signals service) publicly available.

And if you ' re interested in the signal on the small stuff, I tested arbitrage between exchanges. Someone even managed to sign up )

I'll read it... thanks. What was the total of the last one and the hedge?
Ilnur Khasanov:
I'll read... thanks. for the last one, what was the sum of the hedge?

it's hard to say, the turnover was small (1-2 bits in 2 weeks), about 10-20% for the whole time of the test, i.e. 4-5 months.

+ I have to take into account the growth of bitcoin, as part of the deposit was in bitcoins.

В США признали биткоины биржевым товаром
В США признали биткоины биржевым товаром
Комиссия США по торговле товарными фьючерсами официально признала биткоины биржевым товаром. В опубликованном в четверг, 17 сентября, постановлении говорится, что американский регулятор «впервые признает, что биткоин и другие виртуальные валюты следует считать биржевыми товарами». Документ касается обвинений в незаконной биржевой торговле...

I'm not from around here myself...

But there is a question. Do Bitcoin quotes seem more predictable than currency pairs? Shouldn't they be worth digging into before the market becomes highly efficient?


I'm not from around here myself...

But there is a question. Do Bitcoin quotes seem more predictable than currency pairs? Shouldn't they be worth digging into before the market becomes highly efficient?

It depends on how you dig, but it's probably better to dig the flipper price than the bid and ask. mt4 has a history of all three prices with btc-e

But there is a question. Do Bitcoin quotes seem more predictable than currency pairs? Should they be worth digging into before the market becomes highly efficient?

It already is. Compared to a year ago, for example. But it's worth it.
It already has. Compared to a year ago, for example. But it does.
Not on all fumes
It already has. Compared to a year ago, for example. But it's worth it.
Thank you. I'll try.

What a funny spam came in the other day:
